Synopsis: Yuiko Yoshioka (Nagano Mei) begins the first grade in high school. She gets sick with the cold and stays in bed. At that time, she gets a phone call from class president Matsubara (voiced by Sakurai Takahiro). Yuiko becomes fluttered by his kind voice on the phone. The next day, she goes to school and meets Matsubara. He is a mysterious boy, wearing a paper bag over his head. Her high school days begin with pounding heart.
Drama Note: 1. Kagaya Yuichi (Ochiai Motoki) call Matsubara-kun "Macchan" and since "Macchan" and "Ma-chan" is different in Japanese pronunciation, I decided to keep it as the original. The same with Nishizono Aki (Otomo Karen) who call Yuiko as "Yukko" this is not a typo or Yuiko has another name or else lol it's basically something like a nickname.
2. Kaichō (or kaichou) is "student council president" but since it's too long to type the whole "student council president" and typing only "president" can lead into different meaning, I will type it as kaichou IF the situation is someone calling him (Hyodo Makoto/Ryusei Ryo) as a person. If it's the position (like when he introduce himself as student council president) I will type it full.
3. The same with Kaichou, I will type brother and Onii-san according to it's context. In the future, Otou-san and Okaa-san might also be like that.