Aug 02, 2011 23:58

American Idol Season 10 Concert~Thursday, July 21st, 2011

It was our 7th year in a row of going to an American Idols concert. We’ve been going every year since Season 4….it’s just crazy ridiculous how many years have gone by. I’m 19 now…whoa, I was 13 when we first started going…


So once again, just me and my mom were attending the concert in Houston, this time at the Reliant Stadium.

We arrived at the venue at 3:30pm, because we feared we would get lost on the confusing roads of Houston.

So we get there, we park on one side of the arena, which was where the tour buses were parked. So I get out of the car, and I notice some people are out by the buses and they’re taking photos.

As I kinda skip of to the buses (I realized that if people are taking photos-that must mean some Idol is there!) I finally see that Paul McDonald and Stefano Langone are out! And they were tossing around a football with some people!

Now, I was shocked. I’ve never met Idols BEFORE the show…and I always thought they came out early in the afternoon…and I was never able to get to the venue super early (plus, it’s just so hot…you can only stand to be in the heat for so long!) so I usually just waited to meet them after the show. So I was definitely not prepared to meet any Idols at that moment, haha.

Now, Paul was one of my main faves this season, so I was very excited to see him. A group of girls were basically surrounding him as I walked closer. They were talking about Nikki Reed, and I decided to ask him if they’d set a wedding date yet, and Paul said that they have, but they aren’t telling anyone. Haha.

So then, after the group of girls were kinda done talking to Paul, I asked if I could take a photo with him and he was just like “of course!” And oh man, his teeth are even whiter in person!

I also realized that I should have Stefano and Paul autograph the poster I had to…I just thought I wasn’t going to meet anyone till after the show! So Stefano was walking by and I just screamed out “Stefano! Can you sign my poster?” and he came by and signed it. Then my mom asked Paul to sign the poster, and as he was doing so, my mom asked him if he’d seen Kendra lately and that she liked the video of them singing together. And Paul was like “Oh, you enjoyed that, huh?” kind of thing. So cute!

So then security shoos everyone away, and tells us we’re supposed to park on the other side of the venue. Pfft. Not cool. So we go park on the other side, then walk back over to the side that the tour buses are on, but now they have blocked off that side from people going over there. There were barricades set up, and 3 people were waiting there to see if any other Idols would come out and come over or anything. And they had come all the way from Mexico just to see the concert! They were so nice.

As we were waiting there, we saw on the Idol minor moms! (Scotty’s mom, Lauren’s mon, and Thia’s mom!) They were kinda waiting around, and then suddenly this taxi pulled up and they all hopped in it! haha it was funny to see!

There was also this extremely mean/rude security guard standing by the barricades. The heat must’ve been getting to him or something. My mom tried to ask him about stuff, like if he went to the Houston Dog Show which was next door, and he was all like “WHY WOULD I?” Meanie.

So eventually, we decide to walk back to the other side of the venue (the side we’re supposed to be on and the side that has the entrance). Turns out, people with meet and greet passes were gathering over there. The guy was explaining what was going to happen and all that. So our new friends from Mexico ended up going over there and got meet and greet passes!

Anyways, so we’re just hanging out outside the venue now, meeting all these people that are about to meet the Idols. Coca cola ended up having this “swelter stopper” bubble thing, so we went into that, and it was sooo niceee and colddd! Definitely a nice break from the awful heat. My mom and I got a free cup of coke and got our picture taken in front of a polar bear. It was just glorious.

Then after that, we continued to hang around and watched people walk into the meet and greets (We basically stood there looking all envious, and then got all mad when people came out and basically, did not look happy/super excited that they just met the idols…I certainly would’ve had a ridiculous smile on my face if I did!)

We also saw this limo pull up, and this woman and a group of girls stepped out of it. My mom thought the woman looked familiar…and then finally realized that she looked like Victoria Olsteen! (Joel Olsteen’s wife). We’re pretty sure it was her, haha.

Then one of the local radio stations (104.1 KRBE) set up a booth and they had this wheel for people to spin and win a prize. And their prizes were all out on the table and they had a lot of nifty Idol merch, as well as KRBE stuff. So I spin the wheel, and out of all the spaces to land on, I land on “sorry, nice try”. They gave me a lame KRBE bracelet as a pity prize. Then my mom goes to spin it….AND SHE LANDS ON THE SAME SPACE. SO LAME. So we got another pity prize of the lame KRBE bracelet. We went back later and asked if we could spin again, because we really wanted the Idol stuff, BUT NO. They wouldn’t let us.

They also were giving people temporary Idol tattoos. I went to get one, and it refused to stick. LAMEEE.

Anyways, we met lots of cool Idol fans as we continued to wait for the doors to open. Basically, everyone that came, came from out of town lol. One girl came from San Antonio, another from Austin and they had the VIP passes. They were both very sweet! We also met another group of girls…one of them had a brother who went to college with Paul McDonald apparently! haha And one made this huge sign for Scotty, saying “I love you this big”. They were fun.

Then this random girl comes up to me, and gets me to install this app, because if I did stuff on it, I could get enough points to get an American Idol cup for free inside the venue.

SO OF COURSE I DID THAT. I love my Idol merch!

Finally lines started for the doors, and man, the line was huge! Luckily, we scurried ahead to the front.

Doors finally opened at 6pm. We got stuck in the slow line…there was some kind of problem with someone’s tickets who was a few people ahead of us…boo.

Finally we got it! And we ran to the merch table! Had to beat the crowd, of course…so I tell the merch woman that I want the photos of Pia, Paul & Haley. She gives me this confused look and tells me that she doesn’t know who is who. I have to give her the numbers that label the photos. WHAT THE HECK. THIS WOMAN…DOES NOT WATCH THE #1 SHOW IN AMERICA?! Brain does not comprehend this. You’d think you’d study up on this and be prepared and stuff…*sigh* oh well I guess…I also bought a tshirt, a program, and a keychain! J

Then I was able to get my free American Idol coca-cola cup! The cup is spiffin’. I love it.

We grab some food, use the awful bathrooms, and finally head off to find our seats. Now our seats were on the floor in section F. The signs for the different sections were confusing…so we sat down in what we thought were our seats. Then we sit there a bit unhappy with our seats because we were so far back…we’ve spoiled ourselves by getting pretty good seats in past seasons.

My mom ends up leaving to go back and get another keychain at the merch table. So I’m sitting there, (accidentally drop my camera at one point)…and I realize that it looks like there’s 2 sections in front of our section…where they only should be one.

So I ask one of the venue people, and I discover that we were in the wrong seats. We were supposed to be ONE WHOLE SECTION CLOSER. Thank goodness they were closer…they were much better seats. I call my mom and inform her of this change and she returns and all is well and happy.

Then they start showing Idol music videos! They showed Adam’s “If I Had You,” David Cook’s “The Last Goodbye,” and Carrie’s “Undo It.” So of course, my mom and I sit there singing along and stuff. Meanwhile, this old woman sits in the row in front of us…and started eyeing us suspiciously…

My mom ends up overhearing her talk about how this old woman had front row seats, but they were “too close” (what the heck). So she got this new seat instead…and later on made a comment about hoping she’ll be able to hear the Idols sing or something, which my mom and I assumed was a dig at us singing along with the Idol vids.

Anyways, the show FINALLY BEGINS! Like 10 minutes late. lol.

AND MY CAMERA DECIDES NOT TO WORK…probably because I accidentally dropped it earlier. Thank goodness we happened to bring my dad’s camera too as a backup…but the incident still left me frazzled, because I like my camera better.

Anyways-now quick comments about all the numbers! There were just so many songs!

  • The Girls - “Born This Way” : fun, great opening number!
  • Pia Toscano - Empire State of Mind: Pia sounded great of course, but it almost felt sorta like a downer-like the crowd lost energy with this song.
  • Pia Toscano and Stefano Langone - “California King Bed”: LOVED THISSS!
  • Paul McDonald - Maggie May: Paul really got the crowd going again with this! He was crazy dancing all over the place, it was wonderful!
  • Thia Megia - “Who Says”: Liked her much better than on Idol
  • Pia, Thia, Haley & Naima - “Tightrope”: awesome.
  • Stefano Langone - “Grenade”: great! I liked Stefano better than when he was on Idol too.
  • Stefano Langone and the Girls doing “DJ Got Us Falling In Love.”: Fun!
  • Guys w/o Scotty- “Animal” by Neon Trees: another fun, great number! the guys seemed to have a lot of fun with it.
  • Naima Adedapo - “On The Floor”: sounded great and her dance moves-WHOA AWESOME. I was amazed she could dance and sing and all that.
  • Pia Toscano - “This Time”: I love Pia and I like this song, but she does indeed need to work more on working the crowd, but she’s improving!
  • Lauren, Pia and Thia - “Firework”: cute! I did not care for Thia’s dress however…
  • Casey Abrams - “Smooth” SO AWESOME.
  • Casey Abrams and Haley Reinhart - Moanin: UBER AWESOME.
  • Casey Abrams - Harder to Breath: Casey was just amazing.
  • Group Number - “Forget You” - Minus Scotty: This was such a fun group number! I love how they all accept the cheesiness of it all…definitely makes it much more enjoyable and totally fun to watch. I loved their red suits!
  • Lauren Alaina - “Flat on the Floor”: Lauren sounded a little…like not as great/unique as she was on Idol, but she was having having problems with her in-ears…so there probably was some technical issue going on.
  • Lauren Alaina - “Like My Mother Does” sweet
  • Lauren, Haley, Thia, and Stefano - “If I Die Young”: I thought this was her best number! I loved the whole other Idols doing backup thing
  • James Durbin - “Sweet Child o’ Mine”: really got the crowd all excited! I also loved being one of the few people who knew to look for him to come from the back of the arena…sadly, he did not come down the aisle we were by
  • James Durbin - “Uprising”: I felt at times that the microphone/speaker system just could not handle James’s high notes…causing it to sound a bit distorted when he went high, but it wasn’t bas. James still sounded good!
  • Jacob Lusk - “Never Too Much” thank goodness Jacob toned it all down for tour…he was much more pleasant to listen to
  • Jacob Lusk with Pia, Naima and Stefano - “You’re All I Need To Get By”: Jacob was definitely better than on Idol.
  • Haley Reinhart - “House of the Rising Sun”: AMAZINGNESS. Crowd went crazy for her!
  • Haley Reinhart - “Bennie and the Jets”” AWESOMENESS.

Oh the Idol winner montage…was totally amazing. I am a total sucker for them…I’m pretty sure I ever teared up watching it. Loved it.
  • Scotty McCreery - “Your Man”: The crowd was definitely made up of mostly Scotty fans…they went wild.
  • Scotty McCreery - “Are You Going to Kiss Me Or Not” sounded great!
  • Scotty McCreery - “I Love You This Big” everyone was holding their arms open wide for this one, including myself
  • Scotty McCreery and Lauren Alaina - “When You Say Nothing At All” Lauren seemed to be more  wanting to make this actually a duet-she kept looking at Scotty and stuff but Scotty just kept looking out to the crowd. haha but they still sounded great together.
  • Scotty McCreery with Lauren, Thia, Pia and Haley - “Gone”: great way for him to end his set! very energetic!
  • Entire Group: Medley James & Lauren - “Here I Go Again” by Whitesnake, Paul, Haley & Casey join with “Faithfully” by Journey, Stefano & Naima Adedapo join with “Walk This Way” by Aerosmith, Thia & Jacob join and everyone sings “Any Way You Want It/ Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin” by Journey: Oh group numbers…how I love thee.

And then the show ended. Sadness.

Cue me scurrying off to find out where the Idols would be coming out to meet the fans.

So before the show, there were 2 spots where I saw barricades…and they were on opposite sides of the venue.

I run to the barricades I thought would most likely be the right ones, and they weren’t even set up like correctly.  and then I see this line of people and did not understand what that was all about. My mom finally catches up and suggests I check the other barricades, and she’ll wait there.

so BAM! I run to the other side of the venue, and I see a small group of people waiting to the meet the Idols. So then I was like “ok I guess this is it then.” And then my mom calls my phone, and she’s screaming “COME BACK COME BACK IT’S OVER HERE. WE GOT MOVED INSIDE!” and I was like whaaaat?!

So I run faster than I ever have in my entire life back to the other side of the venue (I was totally dying). And it turns out that this huge line of barricades were INDOORS in this area of the arena…whoa, never before have I been indoors with air conditioning to meet Idols before. Usually we all stand out, sweat, and die in the heat. This was so nice!

Anyways, a TON of people were up against the barricades, and luckily my mom snagged us a spot.

So we’re just waiting around, and once again we meet some more awesome people who are waiting next to us. We had a great time talking to them.

Meanwhile, this one woman was slowly budging her way in next to me, gradually pushing me and my mom like…out of our spot. RIDICULOUS! And then she had the nerve to ask if she could borrow one of our sharpies! BAHH.

So after waiting for about a half hour, the idols finally came out! I made sure to tell all of them they were great that night…so a few notes about some experiences with them…


Naima-told her that I loved her dance moves, and she asked us if we were all dancing with her! haha she was so nice!

Lauren-SO SWEET! And she looked skinnier! So when she was signing my poster, I asked her if her foot was feeling better and she was like “yes it is! thanks for asking!” and then after she took some pics with people, she asked if I wanted a pic with her, and I said “sure!” so I was trying to hand my camera to my mom, and Lauren was just like “here! I’ll take it!” So she snatches away my camera, and snaps a picture of us…she was so cute! Then our new idol friend who we just met, gave her a bracelet and Lauren had my friend put it on her wrist. Lauren was so cute and fun. Everytime she ran into another Idol while walking along the line, she would scream their name and hop up and down lol.

Jacob-very nice in person! seemed a bit tired, which is understandable

Thia-so small in person! and very sweet

Scotty-while Scotty was autographing a boot or something, I decided to ask Scotty if he found out what he got on that AP English exam yet and he was like “you know what, I haven’t! I better make a call to somebody about that!” haha it was funny. Scotty was very sweet

Casey-ah, so funny! he autographed my poster, and drew a weird little smiley face on his face on my poster

Haley-so sweet! and she looked so tiny! She thanked us all so much for coming out to the show and everything. Took a pic with her!

Pia-also so sweet! I thanked her for coming out, and she didn’t hear me and was like “What was that?” and so I repeated myself, and she was like “of course” or something like that. Took a pic with her too!

Stefano ended up coming out really late, and was not able to get to everybody. He tried to keep going, but was forced to leave and he seemed so upset to have to leave!

Paul and James didn’t come out at the end…thank goodness I met Paul earlier! And Lauren said that James wasn’t feeling well…it would’ve been nice to meet him, but oh well!

And that was the end to my epic Idol night! It was AMAZING!!

american idol tour houston 2011 season 1

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