Been a while. I have a lot to update but I will do it later. Now here are some pictures from Labyrinth of Jareth, the annual masquerade Mark and I attend every year in L.A. Probably the most inspiring event I hit every year and I'm already pondering next year's costume but I'll let the pictures speak for themselves ( and there are a lot of them )
aww us
Jo Ellen looking adorable while selling her necklaces
Wandering performers
K showing off her "pretty" and being within 10 feet of something pink. Scary!!
Labyrinth characters at the labyrinth masquerade, yay!!
Becca Goddess
electrocuting the husband
German falcon husband
Amazing costume, amazing talent not tripping going own the stairs ( I would )
Interesting dance partners
Photographer Michael captured
Wings of Isis
Don't know what's going on but it's funny. Perhaps they were imitating this:
NOT my picture but this guy is my new LoJ hero
K on the dance floor
Cyn and I on Friday night
League of Steam ( and Zombie )
Actual tribal costume
Birdhouse Shing
Stilt Walkers
Goofing off
Other photographer Michael
Wonder if this band figured they would ever be playing to an audience of fairies?
Stilt Dancing?
Dinosaurs? It works
My favorite butterfly dress come to life
Some more amazing costumes
Formal K
Checking out the birdhouse
You shall not cross?
Us friday
me Saturday