Nov 30, 2009 18:54
Hmm not to much going on as usual. I don't think anything ever goes on too much here. Worked some crazy hours during black friday weekend and realized my job on top of being a joke job is really useless when I'm spending as much as I make. Well not really but I spend too much there... Everyone talked about the crowds but it was laughable in comparison to cities. Shoppers still make me sick fighting over stupid crap. I couldn't help not laughing when people tried to bully me about being being out of this or that door buster. Please, I can deal with the rich middle eastern clients of California in high end sales you think your pathetic white trash nobody ass is going to get a reaction out of me?? Thanksgiving was okay at best. Mark was on call so we had Thanksgiving in the surgery call room. I miss my friends and family ( and my state, social life, shopping and fresh produce.. ) We introduced the surgery residents to the Jeff Dunham show..that was amusing. Friday Mark made a super Thanksgiving feast we are still munching on. I made pie and it was deadly. Contribution made. Mark bought my Christmas present of a sewing dummy. So far I use it to terrorize the cats.
Started decorating for the holidays to try to bring down some of the depression. Mark and I are both feeling pretty isolated. I'm booking my 3 week vacation home for January but still it's just bleak here. Mark and I entertain ourselves but seriously it's the same. Dark, rainy and just cool enough to make you bundled up enough to be annoyed. People are starting to hibernate ( seriously ) or migrate down to Florida. Poor Florida, they are getting an infusion of the world's most boring people. Everyone here is waiting for snow, so far it's a month late. I feel guilty being happy about that because it's crushing an already weak local economy.
Now I'm just getting boring...time to go work on that Christmas card. whee