Oct 21, 2009 07:20
Someone nudged-or-whatevered me? I didn't know anyone read this thing anymore.
What is going on in my life...um nothing. I have never been this bored ( in fact I have never before been bored ) lonely or uninspired. Really I hate this state and can't wait to be home. It is joyless and 90% of the people seem to have nothing but the basics going on behind their eyes. I would probably find it sad if I wasn't so self absorbed by my own bleak disposition. Happy huh? This is why i don't post often. I work a job that would be entertaining if the hours were not starting to effect what little I see of my husband these days thanks to residency. Honestly I refer to this job as my joke job because the last time I made this little was when I was 17. No I'm not kidding. I also did not get my Halloween request off because people with kids received the first dibs because they squeezed out little rugrats. Um no. One of my pet peeves. If you take a job that involves working when your kids need you perhaps you should have selected a different job. Hate me if you will but I'm so damned sick of people getting special exceptions constantly because little Michael and Jennifer have another school event. Anyhow I have spent the last 29 Halloweens of my life dressed up doing fun things, you better believe this one will be the same. Oh pity I will pull the chronic medical illness card against you kid card and call in sick. Yes I have several doctors to write me a note, ha. Call me a bitch but they don't pay me enough to care. Yes I do my job and do it well ( I do have pride and a sense of responsibility ) but trust me they don't pay me to sacrifice anything special to me. In fact I will probably get fed up and walk out the door if another Halloween incident happens. I wanted to come home sometime in the next month but all the winter things we needed ( that we will have to get rid of in a year ) plus Mark's match fees has pretty much bankrupted us. Well not really but I certainly can not afford to come home without a handout from the parents which I just feel wretched about taking anymore.
As for sickness, well that too has been a joy. I've been sick for over a week now and now, taking 3 meds for breathing and one for the actual problem at hand I can take a deep breath and sleep more tan 45 minutes at a time. After 4 days of not sleeping my body caught up yesterday so I feel like I think again at least. You know you are tired when you slice through your finger at work with a pair of fabric scissors and it doesn't hurt. Also the 5 pound weight loss isn't helping as my damn pants will not stay up. I love being gangsta bluelady hitching my pants up. If it would break 50 degrees I would wear a skirt.
Well anyway my happy existence is above. What I look forward too is talking to friends on the phone ( or via the interwebs until I can talk again ) January ( will be home for 3 weeks ) and June ( where I, the ever classy girl, flip this state the finger, head home and never look back )
I will post again when I have something less miserable and angry to post.