Is this thing on?

Apr 23, 2007 12:21

I just realized I haven't posted since the first, heh. A lot of things have happened, though nothing really earth-shattering.

The best thing? Visiting the family over Easter with Amy. I'm so absolutely blessed. I love my family, I love Amy, and they really got along well together. And she survived an evening with some of my lifelong friends, which is an exceedingly positive thing! This occasion also marked the first time I've flown with anyone (that I knew, at any rate), with the exception of family.

The worst thing? Dealing with some old fears and emotions that I thought were long-buried. I'm pleased to report that these are muted variations of the old theme, though, and I'm handling them much better. No comparison, really. But, I must admit, the term "autosomal dominant" is not an easy thing to accept.

Two weeks left of classes!
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