Sep 05, 2011 20:50
I learned a few things at Fall Coronation this weekend...
- When heading to a conversation in 90 degree weather, bringing ice slushees to your Laurel is always a good idea. Bonus points for remembering to bring your step-knight a sugar-free slush.
- When you spend effort following your Laurel's suggestions, and ask for more suggestions to follow, be prepared for a lot of new work (for you and others). On the other hand, I still fully intend to wow everyone at winter art/sci, in spite of their raised expectations.
- Pay more attention to warning on medical prescriptions. The afore-mentioned 90 degree weather doesn't mesh well when two of your regular medications made you sensitive to heat and sunlight. I'm a big man, and would be difficult for my friends to carry me to my tent.
- When you say goodbye to your friends, mean it. You may never get the chance to do so again. I lost an important friend of 15 years over the weekend, and will never be able to hear his voice again...
Any way you look at it, one hell of a weekend.