December 13, 2008

Dec 13, 2008 01:51

This article retreads an argument I've heard many times before. The west will lose to Islam because of our secularization. Mr. Morrissey here misses the point. He comments "But it’s worth asking whether a religious debate would help much" misses the point. The Jihadist, have absolute certainty and clarity of purpose. They firmly believe that they are right. We don't necessarily need to engage in a debate over religion and scripture per se - indeed, it would frankly be rather pointless, because the only scripture the Jihadists and other muslims recognize is the Koran and why would they listen to non-Muslims saying what they think the Koran says? Moreover, the middle east doesn't have the same deal where they feel obligated to listen to other points of view like we do, so they most likely wouldn't even listen, just smile and nod and then blow us up with bombs planted while we were talking. besides that, most in our world couldn't honestly contend on that subject. What we can do though is decide what is right and wrong. We can agree that sending your children to kill themselves is wrong. That attacking innocent people is wrong. We can agree on alot of things, like freedom of speech, religion, and press. We can even agree that God isn't one to decree suicide. The point is: we need to have a backbone to believe that there is such a thing as right and wrong. We need to believe that we may not be perfect, but in this conflict we are right.

I speak this from a largely secular standpoint. Realistically, a culture that rejects God will be unable to stand against a culture that embraces one sort of god or another. A culture that rejects a higher authority will be unable to maintain a strong belief in right and wrong. Truthfully, if the country doesn't draw closer to God, our culture and country will fail.

I was listening to the radio earlier and heard that President Bush had apparently said that we have to bail out the "Big 3" because we can't let the economy weaken even further. I wanted to hit the man. Seriously. What is wrong with you? You don't make something strong by propping up that which is weak. You make things stronger by weeding out the weak and putting that which can grow stronger through a work out, but the Big 3 haven't been strong in years. They've been weak. In economic terms, a weak company is one that can't turn a profit. The Big 3 Are very very weak. Just read today, that in the same year that GM sold as many cars as toyota, Toyota had a Profit of $1.7 Billion, while GM lost $9Billion. GM is not a strong part of the economy. It's weak. Time for the weak to be weeded out, just propped up artificially.
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