November 15, 2008

Nov 16, 2008 00:12

I just finished watching the (very long) Godfather. I watched it mainly because I've seen and heard so many references to it and wanted to see what the big deal was about. By the end of he movie, all I could do was shake my head. How sad and horrid is the life these people lead. Miserable slaves to life of crime they lead, unable to lead even when they want to. I saw the scene where michael Corleone has his brother in law killed for beating his wife (the wife is michael's sister). The remorseless act and the others around it all done with callousness. What a cruel system to live under, where you don't have the freedom to show mercy but every wrong must be met with harsh vengence. How empty. How meaningless. A life without mercy, is not a life worth living.

A life where you lie to your wife is not one I'd want either. The life depicted by Michael Corleone in the movie seems more like Hell then anything else to me. I don't get why this movie is so celebrated. It's dark, depressing. A movie with nothing good in it.

And the thing I can't get over is the completely lack of mercy.

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