Mar 16, 2007 07:02
A random Quiz, Please feel free to leave your answers in the comments. Then please put this in you're journal entry to find out your answers!
1. Would you mind me being in control?
2. Would you pull my hair / ears?
3. Would you whisper freaky shit in my ear?
4. Would you talk dirty to me?
5. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue?
6. Would you go down on me?
7. Would you let me give you a passion mark?
8. How many rounds would we go?
9. What would you wanna do afterwards?
10. Would you take off all ur clothes for me?
11. Would you lick and bite me all over?
12. Would you like 4play or get straight to the point?
13. Would you take ur time if I told you to?
14. Would u fall asleep when we were done?
15. Would u want to go fast or slow?
16. Where would u wanna "do it" at?
17. Would u be loud or quiet?
18. Do u think u could make me have an orgasm?
What if...
1. I died:
2. I kissed you on the lips:
3. I lived next door to you:
4. You found out I was married:
5. I stole something:
6. I was hospitalized:
7. I refused to leave my home:
8. I got into a fight while you were there:
9. Personality:
10. Eyes:
11. Hair:
12. Lips:
13. Family:
14. Help me hide a body?
15. Keep a secret if I told you one?
16. Hold my hand?
17. Take a bullet for me?
18. Try to solve my problems?
19. Love me?
20. Date me?
21: Get freaky with me?
22. Lied to make me feel better?
23. Wanted to kiss me?
24. Wanted to kill me?
25. Broken my heart?
26. Kept something important from me?
27. Thought I was unbearably annoying?
28. Who are you?
29. Are we friends?
30. When and how did we meet?
31. Describe me in three words:
32. What was your first impression?
33. Do you still think that way about me now?
34. What reminds you of me?
35. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
36. How well do you know me?
37. When's the last time you saw me?
38. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
1. Are we friends?
2. Do you have a crush on me?
3. Would you kiss me?
4. ...With tongue?
5. Would you enjoy it?
6. Would you ever ask me out?
7. Would you make a move on me in a movie theater?
8. Would you hold me if I was crying?
9. Would you take care of me when I`m sick?
10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn`t before?
11. If I gave you my phone number, would you call me?
12. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me?
13. Do you talk about me?
14. Do you think I`m a good person?
15. Would you let me sleep with you?
16. Would you take me to a romantic walk on the beach and let me lay with you?
17. Do you think I`m hot?
18. Would you do me?
19. Do you wanna do me?
20. If you could change anything about me -would you?