Another reason why job hunting is hell

Oct 27, 2006 13:06

They (the jobs) get so many idiots applying that they have started to insulate themselves from the actual job seekers.

The careers advisor at the job centre told me to network more, try to build relationships with HR departments etc

So I go to the Epsom C.A.B. (no ones more connected than them), they said, and this is true, “have you tried job agencies?” I WAS VERY ANGRY!!!

I have no idea how to ‘build relationships with HR departments’, when I go into companies to apply for jobs, I go up to the help desk, as soon as I say I want a job, they immediately fob me off with their website or recruitment phone number, which may sound good, but they add that “there are no vacancies ‘here’, but the company is always recruiting in the local area”

which sounds like a yes, but is in fact is a strange way they have developed of asking you to leave without any further questions!
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