so. much. "hey baby, do you buy your PB at sams?" * the hot ohioans...330 247 8420 * hot beach hookups (and the mass groping that comes with it) * rooooound...dang, that is a sweet earth you might say * RED BULL * "shREK" * the pants! * ass like CEMENT * the world is a pancake, and we are the chocolate chips * 600 boob talks * talking about mr winky again..and again.. * the perfect girl = us * turn on spots (water on the head..ear..freaks...) * burned boobs * nature walks & morbid attempts to massacre a sea cucumber, the skull, chocolate sprinkiles! * HERBIE * "i...met you...before the fall of ROME...COME ON CARI SING * riding the elevater * $80 of junk * "join the club, weve got tee shirts * SKETCH pics * cari does the dip for itch cream * 4 boys, 10 days, no biggie * first makeout with a HOTTIE. score * crappy storms * baby ducks * coochie doctor..whats thaaaat? * "would you bleed profusely with.." * in depth makeout reenactments * kate has CLEAVAGE YAAY * i think the add-a-cup is too small for kristi...KABOOMBOOMBOOM * caaaaapital * "did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" * mouse boy and the girl radar * PROJECT: LITTLE ONE...ACCOMPLISED * holly hit the fan... * the OTHER hotties on the beach * "im the MAN thats why" * getting locked out..and in trouble..* cari and the kite runner...oh god * mayo baked on hollys arm * pe-can = nut...not bird * a-percot/ahh-percot