Insatiable (3/?)

Sep 24, 2013 18:28

Title: Insatiable
Pairing: Kai/Chanyeol
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Twelve people somehow all related one way or another. A band with a groupie that turns into more. Couples, pining and lots more. The lives of the members in the group Insatiable.

Let's meet the band.

“Have you been with someone else before?” it’s easy to see that the question takes JongIn by surprise, mouth open in a chew only closing when ChanYeol taps her lightly under the chin. “Why?” She eyes the older suspiciously. “It’s rare for someone to be waxed when they’re virgins.” Probably not the best breakfast subject but ChanYeol really couldn’t care less. It had surprised her yesterday with the way that JongIn was waxed so.. so prettily.

A flush creeps up on JongIn’s cheeks and she stops eating in favor of hiding behind her hands. At first ChanYeol barely registers JongIn mumbling against her hands and completely oblivious to JongIn’s discomfort asks her to repeat. “It feels nicer when I touch myself.” JongIn says a little louder though ChanYeol still had to strain her ears to catch it and she can’t help the grin that spreads on her face.

“Ah, I agree. I’m just too lazy to do anything about it. Do you do it yourself or do you get it done?” To get the younger to relax a bit again she pushes the last strawberry towards her. It’s the largest of the bunch and she had taken it as the first thing. Maybe it wasn’t so much to get JongIn to relax as much as seeing her plush lips stretched around it. Forcefully she keeps a moan down when the younger bites into it, strawberry juice making her lips glisten.

“I get it done. An unnie from my danceclub works in a beauty parlor and does it for free.” A tongue runs over the fatness of her lower lip to catch a drop of juice she had gotten yet. “She actually forced me the first time. Saw me in the shower and shrieked in horror.” JongIn admits shyly, looking down at her plate in horror when she realises what she had just hinted.

ChanYeol catches her eye and smirks, “I’m sure your pussy would be just as cute and delicious without being waxed.” Red really suits her, ChanYeol thinks idly as she watches the younger trying to will down her blush, devouring the rest of her breakfast in seconds. “You’re really adorable you know?” JongIn chokes on her last cherry tomato, very much resembling it in color.

With great reluctance ChanYeol lets JongIn go and it’s only after she’s kissed the younger silly, watching with a proud smile as JongIn walks dazed down the hallway, blowing her a kiss when she turns around. Laughing she sees JongIn stumble down the first few steps of the stairs before closing the door.

Not long after there’s a knock on the door and she barely has it opened before she is knocked over, splayed on her back. “Jon-” there’s a kiss on her lips interrupting her, teeth tugging her mouth open as hands tries to slide her shirt off. Only after a hard push does JongIn pull away, not looking all that pleased that she can’t continue kissing ChanYeol. “Didn’t you have practise?” Her hand is still pressing JongIn away because she’s still trying to get closer. “Canceled.” JongIn breathes out before forcefully pulling off her shirt.

“You are insatiable.” ChanYeol pants out after her fourth orgasm, JongIn is so eager to please and even if ChanYeol doesn’t exactly mind all the attention and not to mention pleasure she got out of it, she wants to give something back but it seems like JongIn isn’t all that interested in getting anything back.

“I’ve wanted to do this for months.” The younger mumbles against ChanYeol’s thigh, the skin covered with small marks as she nips at the paleness. “That’s all fine, but I’m not going anywhere you can do this for as much as you want to for a long time.”

A shudder goes through her when JongIn begins to tongue her oversensitive clit. “I know.” JongIn says before she sucks the clit between her lips again and her fingers, still in ChanYeol, crooks so they press up against her abused g-spot making ChanYeol turn the white of her eyes out and choke out a moan.

BaekHyun checks the time on her watch again, her foot tapping impatiently on the ground. The sound of her heels scaring the small children around her. He’s late and she is going to cut his throat when he turns up, the movie’s starting in fifteen minutes and she’s not waiting for him for more than five before she leaves.

There’s a voice that calls for her from behind and she turns around with a glare ready to scold him but then she’s gathered into his arms and lifted into the air as he swirls around with a happy laugh. His guitar is perched on his back and his hair is a mess. People around them are starting to look when he leans down to kiss her thoroughly, like they didn’t just see each other that morning.

“What is going on?” She demands when he finally stops kissing her. There’s a laugh bubbling out of him again and she can feel the giddiness rubbing off on her despite her initial irritation over his tardiness. “Luhan got us a gig at the new bar she’s working in.”

He’s almost shining, as if that they got a new gig at some dingy bar was the best thing in the world but BaekHyun gets that. She’s not as invested in the band as he is or ChanYeol is for that matter, but the rush after a wellplayed set always satisfies her and the new bar Luhan had gotten a job as a bartender at was pretty neat.

Still gathered in his arms she leans down and kisses him softly before muttering against his lips that he can put her down now. Smiling he gently lowers her down so she’s standing on the ground again. “Now come on, we have a movie to watch and then afterwards I’m betting JongDae has set up some kind of celebration we have to go to.” His eyes twinkles as she pulls him along, trying not to get distracted by the dimple in his cheek that always makes her want to pull him close and kiss him for hours.

ChanYeol wakes up to a heavy weight on her chest, she must’ve passed out between orgasm number six and seven. Her body really isn’t used to getting that much attention. JongIn is half on top of her, head pillowed in between her breasts and she giggles when an exhale from JongIn tickles her nipple. Lightly she pokes the younger on the nose, watching amused as it wriggles before settling peacefully again. When she tries to pull away JongIn pulls her closer and clings to her even more so she settles down again and watches the younger sleeping peacefully, almost dozing off again when her phone starts blasting Nirvana’s Rape Me, startling her so she jostles JongIn awake. The younger pulls away confused rubbing her eyes with a pout, ChanYeol reaches for her phone blindly searching the covers for it. JongDae’s screech starts as soon as he’s connected.

“Dude chill down. What’s up?” ChanYeol asks when it’s safe to put the phone near her ear. Their singer has amazing lung capacity and hits a mean high note. Supporting the small device between her head and shoulder she pulls a still pouting JongIn close and kisses her softly before letting the younger snuggle in close. “Luhan noona is the fucking best! She got us a gig at the new bar she’s working in.”

Barely focused on her friend in the phone, ChanYeol hums noncommittally gaining a small moan from JongIn when she rolls the younger’s left nipple between her fingers. “Really? Awesome. When is it?” There’s a huff of annoyance over her lack of enthusiasm on the other end. “Next Saturday. You know there’s usually full house every weekend right? Why are you not screaming and yelling with me?”

She laughs slightly at the whining tone, “Because I just got laid. Like seven orgasms I don’t have any energy at all.” JongDae makes a gagging noise, “Too much information.” he tells her before hanging up probably to call up the rest of the band.

JongIn peers tiredly up at her, silently asking her what’s going on with her eyes. “Guess Insatiable has a gig next Saturday. My own personal groupie should definitely come.” She grins cheekily before pulling JongIn up so she can kiss her. Ignoring the vibrations from her phone telling her of a new message. Probably JongDae telling her to come to the Groove later so they can get shitfaced drunk in celebration.

Everyone is gathered when they arrive. JongDae already halfway plastered. He’s lying across Luhan’s lap smothering his face into her stomach constantly whispering thank you’s into the fabric of her small black tank top. She’s laughing at him as she pats his head soothingly, eyes crinkling happily. BaekHyun sighs, how did she end up with a stupid ass idiot as her best friend she’ll never know.

Yixing lets go of her hand when they reach the table where everyone is gathered, nodding in greeting to them before sliding in beside his best friend. Luhan leans in when he starts talking softly into her ear. In the beginning of their relationship BaekHyun had been immensely jealous every time Luhan joined them. Not at all liking the amount of skinship that went on between the older girl and her boyfriend, but then she found out that nothing ever would happen.

There’s so much turmoil around the table that it isn’t until ten minutes after she’s hauled JongDae off of Luhan that BaekHyun notices her cute (not so) little neighbor sucking face with their tall multi talented member. Sputtering she manages to drop JongDae on the floor in her haste to slap ChanYeol’s arm.

She hadn’t actually thought ChanYeol meant it when she had asked BaekHyun to help her get JongIn to the store so she could sex her up. Apparently she had and now her hand is half up under JongIn’s skirt. The younger completely flushed red and trembling slightly under the touch. She slaps ChanYeol on the arm again and this time the tall girl turns around to look at her confused. “Stop sucking faces” she hisses at them and glances around at the others. Not that anyone seems particularly bothered or interested in what the two are doing.

“It’s not like anyone cares.” ChanYeol slurs slightly and BaekHyun guesses the other must be relatively drunk. Then JongIn starts sucking on ChanYeol’s neck and BaekHyun decides to seek out her boyfriend instead of watching the two getting it on.

Zitao sighs and looks bored around at his friends. ChanYeol had finally hooked up with her groupie and now they apparently couldn’t keep their hands of each other. BaekHyun is flirting with Yixing trying to get his full attention. JongDae has found his way onto MinSeok’s lap now burying his head in the older girl’s neck while she and Luhan talked.

He lights a cigarette, watching as the smoke curls around in their practice room. His eyes flicker over the gathering once again before he stands up with a sigh and kicks the beer crate he sat on back. Luhan and MinSeok briefly glances up at him before turning back to their conversation.

It’s raining when he gets outside, a small drizzle that makes his hair lie flat over his forehead. The weather is starting to turn chilly and he freezes a bit in his black tank top and flimsy sweater. Playing a bit with his lip ring he keeps looking out over the busy streets of Seoul passing by in a blur. It reminds him a bit of home and the tug he feels in his chest is something he has become so used to that he doesn’t bother mulling over it.

He’s lightening another cigarette when the rain suddenly stops and he looks questioning around until he notices a petite figure beside him. She’s small, even smaller than MinSeok and BaekHyun. Long brown hair flowing over her back as she looks up at him with worried eyes. She’s cute, he can’t help but think when she continues to just half scowl, half pout at him. Taking a drag of his cigarette he looks at her questioning. Her scowl deepens and then his cigarette is on the ground and stepped out by her (tiny) foot clad in a pair of black oxfords.

“Smoking is bad for your health and so is standing in ripped jeans and shirts in the rain.” He barely listens to her, still staring in shock at his squashed cigarette on the wet ground. Prepared to give her a piece of his mind he looks at her with a glare only to be met with worried eyes and a warm hand on his bicep. “Come on, let me get you something to eat you poor thing.” and then he’s swept away by a small woman in soft colours so contrasting to his all black attire and he can’t help but wonder what went wrong and where?

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so i decided to make my fem!kaiyeol into a series

and then it turned into more once i started writing.

this here is just something to start with i guess.
please do leave a comment ~

pairing: baekhyun/lay, character: chen, genre: !au, genre: smut, character: lay, genre: !hetro, character: xiumin, fandom: exo, character: baekhyun, genre: !femslash, genre: romance, pairing: chanyeol/kai, character: chanyeol, series: insatiable, character: luhan, character: kai, genre: friendship, character: tao

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