
Oct 31, 2008 10:08

paradoxically things are gettingworse and better at the same time, although the worse is more apparant because it makes so much "noise". stillness speaks, by eckhart tolle
i am trying to be positive and live in the moment, which is kind of pathetic and kind of cool.
my boyfriend broke up with me and i cried for a week, in this week i got a massage and the woman took her top off during the session and started telling me i needed to join this group called adavar, where i can basiclly be born again with no worries. she said i needed to stop fixating my attention on my negative feeling. i agreed with her about that, but i could not allow myself to pay money to be in a cult that may or may not change my life.
there are so many options of what to do, but at the same time there are so few. i just have to let time pass and one day i will wake up and be happy.
i hate breaking up.
i love eating food with someone everyday, having company whenever you need it, and kissing.
i am a relationship girl, this has cursed me for life, i am attatched and fixated on everything i see as good
i am going to invest my time in a claymation, this may make me more insane, but it will also make me less insane.
i wonder why i love omar khayyam and i disagree with him so much, he thinks time is so short, while it goes on forever for me, maybe i just wish i felt that way so when i read it i pretend i do.
at least i can listen to my music now without anyone turning it down or off.
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