This is Doria's entry, but I think everyone needs to take the time out and read it.

Sep 03, 2005 17:08

"The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers estimated Friday that it will take 36 to 80 days to drain the city
Texas officials said nearly 154,000 evacuees have arrived there."

"Black members of Congress criticized the pace of relief efforts, saying response was slow because those most affected are poor."

"The president said he is 'satisfied' with the federal government's response to the Katrina disaster, although there is not 'enough security in New Orleans, yet.'"

"A few moments ago, he stopped a truck full of National Guard troops ... and said, 'Point your weapons down, this is not Iraq,' " Starr reported.

"We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims, but we can't bail out the city of New Orleans." Mr Ebbert said.

And John Rhinehart, the administrator of a New Orleans hospital without power and water, said: "I'm beginning to wonder if the government is more concerned about the looting than people who are dying in these hospitals."

"I don't treat my dog like that," 47-year-old Daniel Edwards said as he pointed at a woman who lay dead in her wheelchair outside the convention centre.

"We pee on the floor. We are like animals," 25-year-old Taffany Smith told the Los Angeles Times, cradling her three-week-old son in the Superdome stadium.

At the New Orleans' Superdome stadium, refugees describe piles of faeces, knee-high, after the toilets overflowed and people were forced to relieve themselves on staircases.

"We got dead bodies sitting next to us for days. I feel like I am going to die. People are going to kill you for water," Thomas Jessie, a 31-year-old roofer

At least seven bodies are scattered outside the city's convention centre.

CBS News Correspondent John Roberts reports that Mr. Bush got an eyefull of the apocalyptic disaster today, touring New Orleans by helicopter and dropping down for a closer look with workers on the ground. With people pointing angry fingers at Washington, even the president said the federal response so far has been unacceptable.

"I want you to know I am not going ot forget what I have seen... It is going to require the attention of this coutnry for a long period of time," said Mr. Bush.

Hurricane damages to farm-related industries will cost more than $2 billion and could increase food prices, according to estimates by American Farm Bureau Federation.

This is why people are enraged. Everyone is who "annoyed" by the people who are "complaining" too much, is insensitive to the fact that this is real life. It's not just some story on the news. This is actually happening. Thousands of people are dead below the waters of New Orleans. Most of us have never even seen a corpse, think of thousands. Imagine that. All those dead floating around your home. They were once people, now they are cold, decomposing shells of flesh. Could you handle it? If you were there? People will never fully recover from this trauma. This will be with them, in their minds, for the rest of their lives. Sitting in a convention center, surrounded by human waste, and the scent of despair. The descriptions remind me somewhat of how the Jewish were treated in WW2. And no, I'm not trying to say that anyone's a Nazi. I'm trying to say that, these conditions are appauling. Relief is too late. Most people who are trapped die within 24-72 hours of a disaster. The focus has been on the looters, when it should've been on the victims. They're all victims. What would you do if your whole life was wiped away instantly? Members of your family are dying, you're trapped. Help was supposed to be on the way long ago, but the disease ridden waters remain, diluted with sewage, bodies, cars, and possessions, soaking the earth that you once walked on so casually. Now that the relief is finally arriving, people have been raped, the sick are near dead, martial law is declared, soildiers are ordered to "shoot on sight," and the president says that the actions he and his underlings have taken are "acceptable". It is not acceptable. Others mock the behavior of those in New Orleans. They say that they are taking advantage of the situation. When you think you might die, your range of what's "moral" changes drastically. This is sad. VERY sad. Yes, there was an evacuation notice, but the people who didn't leave are TOO POOR to leave, or sick, or giving birth, or they didn't have enough time. They aren't worth it, Are they? Their lives don't mean a thing to you all, cozy in your living room, making money because your white and your father makes money. It doesn't mean a thing to you all, because it's not your home, and it doesn't mean a thing to president bush until it starts to make his approval ratings go down. America is not reality. People don't live the way we do in other places. This is a Utopia of ignoracne. People trust that everything will be okay, but I am afraid, that it will not be. And you can say I'm paranoid, but you don't know anything more than I do. I vomited to the point of dehyrdation and blacking out on 9/11. How many people have died since Bush was first elected. Didn't they know about the terrorists? THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, BECAUSE THEY THOUGHT THAT THEY WERE INVINCIBLE. and they wait to save their own people, and despite what some people believe, I think it has alot to do with the fact that the people in question are impoverished. The economy is fucked. Inflation is at an all time high. We are looking for a solution to the permanant problem of the gas crises. We need ethanol or hydrogen fuel. We need to drop gasoline, because IT'S NOT GOING TO GET BETTER. bush, he needs to take troops out of the Middle East and focus on the US and the problems that are developing. We are becoming an imperialistic. We don't have anything to offer, all our jobs are in india, asia, and central america. We have to TAKE what we want now. and that's breaking the very principles we are supposedly spreading.

And just for the record. The republicans were in power when the great depression hit. We NEED to focus and keep the reins tighter. We NEED to take care of ourselves.

Keep your head down and ears open. Read the and other news sites. I expect more travesty to come. And i don't give two shits how crazy you think I sound. I hope you all remeber it when it's you in a bad situation, and everyone is ignoring it. The individual is no longer important.

I want to go and help, to join a church and go down to New orleans, but I am not permitted. I am sending 100 dollars to the redcross donation fund instead.
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