This post, as you may or may not have noticed, is public. I have made a few public posts in the past for one reason and one reason only, because I want EVERYONE to read them...this one is no different. This one is about a major problem on LiveJournal...pedophilia.
Last night after updating my LiveJournal I wanted to check my email before going to bed, when I saw
this in
virginbychoice by a 40-year-old (apparently) not virgin who goes by
peepingtommy. So I began looking around and noticed that he made
this post as an insult to a virgin community. I made several replies to several of his comments in the community. Then
this one came to my attention, where he pretty much confessed to wanting to FUCK a 16 year old. So I immediately decided to go to the RCMP website and ended up
here. I filed a report with and hopefully this will mean the end of this guys little escapade.
I am asking anyone who sees anything that might be considered pedophilia to not hesitate in filing a report with I am pretty sure they will follow up on complaints from around the globe but just in case please, if you know of a tip line in another country please post it here. I want us to stomp out this crap, if we continue to allow it to happen when we know about it we are no better then the perpetrators.