Jun 08, 2005 21:23
Before any of you IMCers give me shit about this, this is my Livejournal. This has nothing to do with IMC. Finding some lame excuse to ban me or otherwise punish me for posting this here would be just as ignorant as punishing a child at school for watching porn at his house.
Anyways, I was banned for the "Incident" related in the post just before this. I'm laughing so hard right now I'm barely able to type properly.
Here's the email.
>From: "Sean Leslie"
>To: "Hosts list for IMC." ,"BI Staff Group" ,
>Subject: EvilSqueegee, You are banned for a period of 72 hours
>Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 07:23:11 +1200
>I don't like haveing to write this sort of letter.
>However I received a complaint from one of my staff members that was in the
>room at the time, and the incident was apparently bad enough to make another
>chatter feel uncomfortable enough to leave.
>This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated, normally I would have given
>you a warning, however I feel that a Ban is appropriate in this case.
Sure. No problems there. I would have -liked- the warning, considering it was my first offense, I apologised, and then dropped it (I even encouraged the others to drop it,) but hey - I'm not the one in charge.
>Bestiality, and Incest are, to my knowledge illegal in every state in the
>U.S, and I believe almost everywhere in the world, except for maybe some
>stone aged cultures.
Ahem. Forgive me while I play a bit of samantics. It's what I do, I'm a cynical asshole. I might copy/paste from an AIM here.
XJadedgamerX (9:16:40 PM): You know what's a riot...
XJadedgamerX (9:16:49 PM): They commented in the E-mail about how bestiality is illegal.
XJadedgamerX (9:16:59 PM): If you know your English... Incest is between family members.
XJadedgamerX (9:17:15 PM): Now, you might note, if you're a beast, it's not possible to have bestial sex.
XJadedgamerX (9:17:24 PM): And the only way to be related to a beast?
XJadedgamerX (9:17:27 PM): To be a beast yourself!
XJadedgamerX (9:17:57 PM): So really, Bestiality had nothing to do with it.
>You were warned, by a staff member in the room, that that sort of discussion
>was too much even for an M rated room, and it was suggested to you, by
>another chatter that what you were saying was, again, too much for an M
>rated room.
1) I'm sorry, if I had seen an XXX rated room, I'd have gone and played there. I wasn't aware that, outside of the room rules, there was anything too "Mature" for a "Mature" room, where everyone is an adult.
2) Warning my ass. We both know I recieved no warnings untill -after- it was done, and not only did I repeat the offense, but I apologised and dropped it.
>That's without looking at the blatantly inflammatory way you chose to end
>the discussion.
What, I was polite. Stating the facts and speaking truth is hardly inflamatory. It -did not- matter in the grand picture, and I have -not- been one to let other people's morals get to me. I did not flame anyone, I was being honest. Forgive me for having a spine, I know the authorities always hate that kind of thing.
>In short, I am giving you 72 hours to cool your heels, and reconsider
Nothing to reconsider. It's all said and done. There's nothing but hysterical amusement to cool down. :D
>When this ban is over, I hope you will feel free to continue chatting in
>Black Isles, and I look forward to your return.
>This ban, however is not up for discussion, and any appeals should be
>directed to the CM/DC SysOps.
Good to see that you know you have the final word.
>This E-mail has been CC'd to the Host, and Staff lists for Archival
>Host, Black Isles
And here, my freinds and fans, are the logs!
>Bara-mun (Bara-mun)
>(6/8/2005 11:49:43 AM)
>((Does that mean that "BI" stands for "Blatent Inuendo"?))
>EvilSqueegee(ooc) (EvilSqueegee)
>(6/8/2005 11:50:41 AM)
>((Nono. See, I took it by storm my freshman year.
>bara, BI stands for "Beastial Incest."
>There, I said it. :o))
>Bara-mun (Bara-mun)
>(6/8/2005 11:51:44 AM)
>((*blinks @ Grant* Er... I think that's a bit much for even an "M" rated
>room hon. At least IMHO.))
>Cov (Sean Kennedy)
>(6/8/2005 11:52:13 AM)
>((Yeah that was a bit harsh. ))
>EvilSqueegee(ooc) (EvilSqueegee)
>(6/8/2005 11:52:37 AM)
>((I warned ya, but NooooOOOooo, they never listen.))
>More Than A Tad Perturbed (Bara-mun)
>(6/8/2005 11:53:34 AM)
>((Okay. I realize that I'm an Old Bat. And I quite often say that I'm an Old
>one and not a dead one. However, and you can kick me out of the room should
>you choose to do so, there are some things that I just don't think should
>even be alluded to.
>'Nuff said.))
>Cov (Sean Kennedy)
>(6/8/2005 11:54:14 AM)
>((*looks at the Mech and backs away from Bara* Ok damn not a problem.))
>More Than A Tad Perturbed (Bara-mun)
>(6/8/2005 11:55:24 AM)
>((*bows to Cov* Thank you.))
>Spike Nicolas (EvilSqueegee)
>(6/8/2005 11:57:33 AM)
>((I've never been one to let other people's morals define me. I apologise if
>I offended you, but frankly, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of
>"Resting," Eric replies with a drifty voice.
>More Than A Tad Perturbed (Bara-mun)
>(6/8/2005 12:00:41 PM)
>((*turns all armaments to active*))
>EvilSqueegee(ooc) (EvilSqueegee)
>(6/8/2005 12:01:11 PM)
>((I'm more than willing to abide by the room's rules, and I'm not looking to
>get into an argument. Your complaint has been registered, thank you. Now
>before there's more than one upset person in here, I suggest we drop it and
>move on. I'm quite sure you have the maturity to do that.))
One might note that I was being completely in line here. Nothing inflamatory about it. I even complimented her, AND said I would rather nobody got upset. I suggested we drop it. Oh well. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose lots of people in the world are very happy.
>Bara-mun (Bara-mun)
>(6/8/2005 12:01:18 PM)
>((*sighs, poofs* I'll be back later. maybe.))