Fanfic: The 4400, Winter, That's All.

Aug 21, 2005 09:29

Winter, That's All
Fandom: The 4400
Pairing: None
Rating: PG. Or so.
Spoilers: Season 2, Episode 05/Episode 10/Episode 11.
Warnings: Implied Character Death.
Disclaimer: I don't own The 4400 or Winter, That's All by Bedroom Walls.

Author's Note: Written for 15minuteficlets (Word #120). I haven't seen 211 yet, so I'm just guessing on what happens in it. I might be right, I'm probably not, but incase you don't want to be spoiled for it, you probably shouldn't read this.

Lately I don't feel so hot.
Could it be the winter, that's all?
- Bedroom Walls, "Winter, That's All."

Long ago, when he couldn't heal people himself and he still teased Danny and was always around Kyle, he had gotten sick. Like most people do. It didn't happen that often for him, but when it did his mother brought him chicken soup and he watched TV shows and movies all day long.

And even though it didn't happen much, Danny always came in the room to check up on him, and he always threw his pillow at him. It was sad that he was short one pillow, but he'd have to live without it.

And even though Kyle and he don't talk anymore, Kyle would always come visit after school, and accidentally forget to bring the homework he was supposed to with him. He also "left" a bar of chocolate by his nightstand. Accidentally. And he always ate it, even though it made him feel even worse.

The first out of three times he was sick at the Center, which happened even less than it did when he was at his home, Jordan always gave him an understanding smile and a soup that he couldn't even pronounce. But it was probably chicken. And work. Tons and tons of work, but he always managed to finish it. After he was sick, but Jordan didn't really seem to mind all that much.

The second out of three times that he was sick at the center doesn't really matter much, because it wasn't physical and there was no Jordan to bring him a smile, soup, and work.

But the third out of three times that he was sick at the center he wasn't really sick at the Center, because like all the 4400's, he was immediately removed from the premises of wherever each of them had been. At least that seems to be the general consensus of everyone he's talked to, or has talked to him, because he was far too out of it to even realize what was happening.

All he can understand now is that there is no chicken soup, or soup he cannot pronounce the name to, no Danny checking in on him, no Kyle leaving chocolate for him, and no Jordan with a smile and work.

This time he doesn't mind it when he goes unconscious again.

character: (the 4400) danny, character: (the 4400) jordan, character: (the 4400) shawn, #fic, .fic: the 4400, character: (the 4400) kyle

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