Fanvid: The 4400; The Flowers.

Feb 07, 2017 15:24

The Flowers
Vidder: kaiyote
Fandom: The 4400
Song: The Flowers by Regina Spektor
Characters/Pairings: Shawn Farrell/Jordan Colier
Rating: PG-13. Or so.
Spoilers: S2
Warnings: None.
Summary: Things I have loved, I'm allowed to keep. (Shawn/Jordan vidlet.)

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WMV, 67mb, 0:59
Streaming: ao3, Tumblr, Youtube
Download: Mediafire

.vid: the 4400, character: (the 4400) jordan, character: (the 4400) shawn, pairing: (the 4400) jordan/shawn, #vid

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