Oct 07, 2007 22:58
It's been a really eventful weekend but in a very good way, of course.
On saturday, my sister and I brought Cookie to the vet for micro-chip. A little bit reluctant because we both know very well that Cookie gets too excited around other dogs, and unfortunately, Cookie is not well-trained on his social skills so he's not very popular among his four-legged friends.
When we reached the vet, it was crowded and just like we expected, Cookie got a little over excited over the female Jack Russell and her companion, a golden retriever puppy. However, the staff came and played with Cookie, and amazingly, Cookie was shy around him! Cookie didn't even dare to take the treat from the staff. Knowing Cookie, he never rejects a treat. :p
The vet brought him in, and asked if he bites. I said no, he doesn't but he barks and he jumps. The vet said that the Maltese before us couldn't get micro-chipped because he was too hyper and unstable but he said he will try with Cookie. He told me to hold cookie up in a huggable position and instructed my sister to pinch Cookie's neck. In one smooth stroke, the vet injected the micro-chip. It was over in less than a minute and Cookie made no more than a small cry. My sister and I wore the proud looks on our faces, like any parent would when their kid won a prize, and the vet said that Cookie is noisy and he jumps but he is a good patient. Heh! :)
After that adventure with the vet, we thought maybe we should bring Cookie to visit his puppyhood friend - Oreo, a female Jack Russell under the care of my auntie. We brought Cookie over and although Oreo is half the size of Cookie, Cookie was so scared of her that he hid underneath the cupboard. Ah, that lousy dog. How is he ever going to get a girlfriend like that?!
It was kinda cute when they gave each other a goodbye peck when we were leaving though. ;)
So right after that I rushed home, and rushed to church for a meeting, before joining the rest of the 1724 peeps at Bishan Park. Esther was the games leader of the day and she was so secretive about it! we later found out that she went to the park early to set up and the game she prepared for us is... Snake & Ladder!
It was absolutely hilarous. Esther tied some strings around an area and formed an 8x8 grid. The idea is to have each player draw a bubble tea straw (used as dice) and on the straw indicates the number which we have to move. We have to jump over the grid according to the number that we picked. This is no feat for Daryl who's a pro pole-volter but for normal people like us, having to jump over a knee length object consecutively for up till 6 steps, well, it just take some getting used to. Haha! So of course, the snake and ladder has snakes and ladders, and to cut the long story short, whoever was leading got a snake and became the last and in the end, Bing Cong won the game by reaching the ending point first. We tried to convince him that we planned it on purpose because it's his birthday the next day, which is today.
And that leads me to the final event for the day, a birthday "surprise" dinner for bing cong. I said "surprise" because I suspect he knows about it all along and was just playing along with us. He's a great surpriser but definitely a difficult surprisee. Tsk! We had our meal at Terra Cafe before hitting off the our favourite after meal hang out - Arcade! ;)
Sorry, no photos because my camera's with QinQin (you have been missed, babe!).
But well, all is good. :)