Because Sam tagged me...

Sep 10, 2007 21:35

9 things about me
1. I love eggs 
2. I have a hairy mole at the back of my neck
3. I can twist my tongue into a "flip over" position
4. I have straight teeth. (My sister said it looked so straight it's scary. 0.o) 
5. I must have coffee, almost every morning
6. So that I'll shit after breakfast :p 
7. I'm afraid of heights
8. I don't like to fly
9. I have slight motion sickness

8 things i want to do before i die
1. Live and let live. 
2. Love and be loved. 
3. Do a bungee (Maybe?) 
4. As cliche as it sounds, I wanna travel around the world 
5. I want to be a journalist, or a photojournalist
6. I want to work as an ice cream man (or woman) 
7. Visit Maldives 
8. Have my own vehicle

7 ways to win my heart
1. I'm a sucker for sweet talk 
2. But talk is cheap, so top it up with action, please
3. Surprise me 
4. Make me laugh, anywhere, anytime
5. In unexpected moments, wrap me around your arms, and tell me I look wonderful (okay, sorry, too drama)
6. And then engage me in the most passionate kiss, ever (what, a girl can dream, can't she?) 
7. Play a musical instrument (prefably guitar or piano) :p

6 things/persons i believe in
1. God 
2. Dreams
3. Love
4. Sorry, can't think of anymore!

5 things i hate
1. Smoking
2. Lies 
3. Ge Tai (So loud and noisy, can hear it from my room now) 
4. Lavender 
5. Carrots

4 of my favorite items in my room
1. My bed
2. All the photos 
3. My speakers (Sonic Gear Evo 3!) 
4. My laptop

3 things i do everyday
1. Laugh
2. Scratch 
3. Comb

2 things i'm trying to do now
1. This very very long meme
2. Think of a birthday surprise

1 person i want to see right now
1. You.

Tag 5 people - Minhui, BingCong, Yanfang, and all the girls in my bs group who's reading this. I know you are.

1. Do you still talk to the person you last had a thing with?
No, we went our seperate ways.

2. Have you ever seen your best friend cry?

3. What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid?
I don't take vitamins, I get them from fruits?

4. Do you think you're pretty?
On my pretty days.

5. Did someone give you a compliment today?

6. Have you ever gone to court?

7. What's the 7th text message in your inbox?
"Hows your driving lesson?" - Don't ask.

8. Are you friends with your neighbors?
Yes, the friendly ones and the poor boy is scared to death of Cookie. He cries everytime he walks past the door and Cookie shows his enjoyment by barking louder than usual.

9. What towns have you lived in?
Toa Payoh and Yishun

10. What's the last piercing you got?
It closed.

11. When was the last time you drove more than 15 minutes?

12. Have you ever thrown up from drinking?
No, not much of a drinker.

13. Do you get jealous easily?
Yes, if it's something precious to me.

14. Toilet papered someone's house?
No, what's the fun in that?

15. Have you ever had a crush on your brother or sister's friends?
Maybe :p

16. Have you ever gone to a beach?
Yes, duh.

17. Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
That's not cool, that's stupid.

18. Would your parents be mad if you got arrested for fighting?

20. Where are your siblings right now?
Mugging in the living room, blasting music, I think it's might to save.

21. What's the last dream you can remember?
I had one too many weird dreams to remember them.

22. Who was the last person to call you?
My driving instructor.

23. What time did you wake up this morning?

24. What are you doing this weekend?
Visit the travel fair at Expo, celebrate something which I cannot say, and church

25. What does the 5th text message on your phone say?
Sherman trying to console me after my first driving lesson,

26. Have you drunk dialed?
No because I have never gotten drunk before. Not planning to, either. So stop trying, Jackie.

27. When was the last time you were really sick?
Last year, when I had my first panic attack due to stomach flu.

28. What's in your left back pocket?
My pants have no pocket.

29. Do you want to be pregnant right now?
Not now, maybe later.

30. Do you wear colored contacts?
No, I don't wear contacts.

31. How do you get to school?
Bus, Train, Walk.

32. What were you doing at 5AM?

33. What do you usually do first in the morning?
Snooze my alarm.

34. What kind of car do you drive?
Right now, the only car I'm legally allowed to drive is my instructor's. Stink.

35. Do you like anyone right now? 
I like a lot of people.

36. Do you believe in Jesus?

37. If you could would you go back in time and change something?
Probably not.

38. How many bedrooms does your house have?

39. Ever been to the ghetto?
What's a ghetto?

40. What should you be doing right now?
Anything more meaningful than this.


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