Okay, I was browsing through peoples' blogs as I usually do when very bored, and I ended up running across this little Poupeegirl widget. Now, I've heard of Poupeegirl before (do I just call it Poupee or Pupe or Poupeegirl or PG?), but I had never gone to the website to check it out. XD When I did, I got sucked in.
I get to busy myself with commenting on peoples' clothes and items and posting my own clothes and items to get ribbons so I can dress up this cute little doll!? OMG, IT'S MY KYRPTONITE! No, really. I was once that sort of person that hung out at doll sites and dressed up pixels all day long. Sometimes, whenever I run across eLouai, I turn into that person again. In fact, now that I even mention eLouai I feel the need to hop on over to the site and start creating awesome outfits for pixels. >=C
This is dangerous stuff.
Of course, I ended up creating my own little Poupee...Poupeegirl...or whatever the short term for it is. >=C LOL, LAUGH AT ME. D;
http://pupe.ameba.jp/profile/t1qPcICSvg7o/ I might forget about it like I forget about everything else, but I just thought I should mention I have a new addiction for the time being. XD