Application for A Facility

Nov 29, 2010 21:12

OOC Information:
Name: Devon
Age: 22
AIM: Devonna269
Y!M:  N/A

IC Information:
Name:  Severus Tobias Snape
Fandom:  Harry Potter
Timeline: Around the time he is shown speaking with a young Lily Evans in his memories from Deathly Hallows, Chapter 33
Age:  9
Appearance:  Severus is a bit short for his age, but once he reaches a good growth spurt he should be quite tall.  He has deep dark eyes, and hair to match, which hangs just above his shoulders most days, generally messy or greasy.  His nose hasn't grown into the distinctive hook his father has just yet, but given a few years it will become a very prominent feature. He's very pale, and it is rare to see him with a smile, a cautious look of suspicion the most common expression in his deck.  His clothes are too big and mismatched so poorly that is looks as though it has been done on purpose.  He pretends it doesn't bother him, but it does.
Abilities:   Severus is a halfblooded wizard without training.  He has not yet received a wand or had any proper schooling.  However, he is a very keen student and has been studying his mother's old textbooks in secret (his father detests magic).  Most of his magic to date has been accidental, but he has borrowed his mother's wand on occasion to test spells.  He's found a natural aptitude towards them, and has even begun some theorical work on spell creation, but has never been daring enough to try them.  Without a wand, most magic is accidental and tied to strong emotions (fear, anger etc.), though with skill and practice many witches and wizards are capable of wandless magic.
Personality: Severus does not get on very well with others.  He has issues with trust, and is very insecure.  He is more likely to lash out to avoid being hurt.  He's fine being on his own, and is easily annoyed by other people's ignorance.  Deep down he really does seek approval and acceptance, but grows skittish and defensive at the earlier signs that it will not pan out.  He is very intelligent, and naturally curious.  He likes to invent and to solve problems.  Despite his quiet nature, he's found he has inherited his father's temper at times.  He doesn't want to be that person, but in the heat of the moment he is unable to control himself.

He is very often sarcastic, and doesn't like to waste time on people he thinks are unintelligent.  He has a great ambition, a thirst for knowledge, and to prove himself.  He wants to get out of Spinner's End and make something of himself.  His father has painted a poor picture of muggles in his mind, but Lily Evans fosters his more good natured side.  His mother was from an old pureblood family, and her leaving to marry a muggle was not well taken.  Severus is well aware of the opinon most purebloods have of halfbloods and  muggleborns.  A part of him that isn't fond of takes pride that at least he is not a mudblood, but since meeting Lily he feel guilty whenever he feels this.

History:   Severus Snape was born to Tobias Snape, a poor, drunk muggle (non-magic person), and pureblood witch Eileen Prince.  He grew up in Spinner's End, near the textile factory where his father worked.  His father, in Severus' words, 'didn't like much of anything'.  He and Eileen often fought, with great loud rows that would disturb the neighbours, and Severus found it was best not to be underfoot at these times.  When Tobias drank he became violent, and Eileen was often depressed, and not as active a parent as she'd like to have been.  He spent much of his time on his own, exploring and inventing; watching the other children but generally too shy to approach them.  There was one girl though, Lily Evans, who sparked his interest.  She was different from the other children.  She was like him.  He knew all most right away that she was a witch, before she knew it herself.    He planned his introduction for weeks, but somehow it didn't go off as he'd planned it in his head.

He'd been spying on her and her sister, and when he'd finally revealed himself to tell her how it is she can do magic- that she's was a witch, she took offense.  The sister mocked him, and Severus was quick to tell her he had no interest in her; she was just a muggle after all.  After taking some time to cool down, the two would meet again, Lily being eager to hear about the wizarding world.  They would talk for hours, and became fast friends, though Petunia would hinder his efforts each night, telling her sister that it was all lies.  One day, when talking with Lily, he discovered Petunia spying on them.  She made fun of his clothing, and a branch broke free and hit her.  Though he swore it wasn't him Lily didn't believe him and left.  Severus returned home, intent to make up with Lily the next day, and even made a card for her stupid sister, but he won't get to deliver it.

Roleplay Sample - Log:

Severus flinched at the sound of breaking glass, and looked back through his door with a soft frown.  His feet padded across the floor, peering through the door frame with a quiet concern on his face.  They were fighting again.  They were always fighting.  His cheeks burned as the lights switched on in the neighboring houses, and he slowly pulled the door closed.  He was careful not to draw attention to himself.  There were days when he would try to help, try to stop them, but it only ever seemed to make things worse.

He sighed softly, pushing his hair back from his face and crossing back his bed, crawling under the thin blanket.  He was going to speak to her tomorrow.  He had it all planned.  She was like him.  They'd be best friends, he was sure of it.  And then things wouldn't be so bad.

Roleplay Sample - Journal:

[Accidental Video]

[The boy doesn't seem aware that the camera is on, looking about anxiously.]
...Wh- M-mum?  Where am I?...He's had me committed, hasn't he??  Hello?
[He gets up, moving away from the camera, fingers pulling on the collar.]
I'm not supposed to be here...
...I'm supposed to apologize to Lily today.

Questions? Comments? Crazed and creative statements? Those go here.
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