Heroes, Five Years^H^H^H^H
One Day Later.
Okay, so we get the Future Past episode of Heroes, and I'll admit it was good. Shenanigans aplenty, and what's up with Parkman? I knew you couldn't trust that pig.
So Bennet was running an underground railroad with Wireless (the only character with an Alter Ego, with the possible exception of Sylar).
What I love is that Hiro thinks it was Sylar, so he's arranging things so that he can take out Sylar. But it's Peter who's destined to create Nuke York. Or is that just after he saved Claire, removing invulnerability from Sylar's repetoire? Damn time travel.
In the abbreviated Fight at the end, Sylar uses his much neglected freezing abilities (picked up from from the father of Molly, the secret weapon in the next episode, at the beginning of the season) while Peter pulls out Nukeyoular Man's powers. Peter's irregular control of his absorbed powers upon initial exposure (he turned invisible automatically upon meeting Claude, and his flight was clumsy at best when he took in Nathat's flight) is why I've been suspecting he'll be the bomb for a while now (particularly since the dream sequence where he, oh, exploded).
In fact, if Sylar gets to Nuke before Petrelli does, it would be better (better in that Sylar tends to be able to focus the abilties he absorbs better than Peter), in addition to being much worse.
Hm. Can Peter absorb abilties Sylar has ingested, or just whatever he's actively using at the time?