May 19, 2002 01:54
A good day.
After getting up early to finish a review, and failing (a sure sign you don't love a book: You can't bring yourself to finish writing about it), we went off to Woodbine so Cindy could have an eye exam. I wandered around the mall while she did, and ended up eating an English muffin with egg & sausage at Burger King.
Sweet Burger King. She hurts me so, but I always go back.
Anyway, I played a game of Marvel vs CapCom 2. I don't know what geek set this appeals to primarily, but they scare me.
Cindy ended up needing to have the 'dilate your pupils so you look like you're on drugs' eyedrops, so I ended up driving. Thankfully it was so bring out she was blinded, and was hence unable to criticize my driving (which is why I drove).
We hopped off to The Beguiling to meet old friend/boss Janet. I've never been to TB before, and it was rather nice. I'm going to the panel on/screening of Ghost World tommorow, hosted by author Daniel Clowes. It'll be neat. Did you know Steve Buscemi is in 8 projects this year? So far?
Anyway, Janet had brought me a gift: A HeroClix Batman. It's a promotional for the HyperTime set. Ohhhhhh. It made me tingle, it did. It's a really good sculpt & paint job, too.
We trooped off to Janet's hotel to drop off her stuff (I was vibrating with glee over Batman. I couldn't keep my fingers off him. For those of you at home, he's got a damage of three with two attacks at 8 range. Ouch. He even has two powers on Damage, unclicked).
Lunch was at a Thai place. For some reason, it didn't ensnare me. I had chicken with rice, and it was fairly spicy. When I asked for an iced tea, the server brought me a glass of tea with ice in it, as well as lots of sugar & milk. It didn't taste bad (I've drunk more than my fair share of cold tea), but it was strange. I still think we should have gone to the mexican place. Or even Rancho Relaxo, if it's open.
We took a quick geekly shopping tour down Yonge, stopping at Bakka (got The Truth for $18 in hardcover, and I've filled up my card), Hairy T (to show Andre my Batman) and World's Biggest.
They've moved the gaming stuff at WBBS. They've gotten rid of some of the legacy gaming material, and replaced it with newer, shinier gaming stuff. This means no White Wolf, as they had nothing less than three years old, and a poor seleciton of that too (I mean, how many copies of The Shadow Court could you need? Hello?). Of course, I was sweating Thai spices out of my pores looking for it, so I must have looked demo team leader esque, dripping perspiration as I dug through a gaming rack.
Tonight, I watched some TV; When We Were Kings was on the CBC. I love that movie. Ali, something in French. George Foreman was once a man to be feared. Now he sells cheap crap on TV.
And now, I'm sitting in front of my computer. I downloaded the NeverWinter Nights editor, but I can't get it to work (mommy!). And I went through my Yahoogroups listing. I've dropped down from 6 pages of groups to 4. I'm impressed by that.
Ah, well. Bedtime calls, I guess.