My plans for CanGames 2012 revolved primarily around playing some new and/or interesting games and helping oversee the Great Canadian Board Game Blitz event at that show. And possibly visiting Diamond Barbarella's.
The theme for the show is Flames Across the Border, in reference to the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 ("The First Time we Beat the Yanks").
Until this morning, after reading
multiplexer 's review, a couple synapses popped while I was in the shower, and now an idea is percolating:
President Osborn has discovered that several American heroes have sought refuge from the SHRA in Canada. Can Alpha Flight protect these refuges from Osborn's Dark Avengers and prevent an international incident?
Of course, I'd have to stat up The Flight and the various Dark Avengers (and, you know, buy the new Marvel game), but it would probably be fun.
I've got a few days to think about it, in any case.
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