Jun 15, 2011 00:09
Alpha Flight Is Back!
Description: Canada's only national superhero team is back from the dead, to fight the new fascist Canadian government!
Area: Comics
Programming Team Member: Lance Sibley, Declan Dennehy
Panelists: Justin Mohareb
Scheduled day/time: Saturday 10:00 AM
Last modified: May 23, 2011
The Marvel Cinematic Universe
Description: Iron Man. Thor. Captain America. Coming Soon: Joss Whedon's The Avengers! Is Marvel's ambitious decision to work with movie studios to bring their expansive superhero universe to film good for comic book fans, or is it just a cheap cash grab?
Area: Comics, Film
Programming Team Member: Leisa Knapp
Panelists: Howard Picaizen, Justin Mohareb
Scheduled day/time: Saturday 11:00 AM
Last modified: April 20, 2011
Greendale Student Orientation
Description: It may not be SF, but it's got a geeky heart. Community fans unite and share your favourite Greendale campus memories. Remember when Abed ignored flirting because he just wanted to talk about Farscape? Or when the Halloween dance descended into a zombie quarantine? Or Starburns?
Area: Non SF
Programming Team Member: Samantha Daigneault
Panelists: Samantha Daigneault, Marion Anderson, Justin Mohareb, David Burmudzija
Note: No more Panelists are being accepted for this Panel.
Scheduled day/time: Saturday 3:00 PM
Last modified: June 2, 2011
In Brightest Day
Description: The Green Lantern movie is upon us! Did you like it or hate it, or are you indifferent? Does it live up to the expectation of comic book fans? What would you like to see in the next Green Lantern movie?
Area: Comics, Film
Programming Team Member: Leisa Knapp
Panelists: Howard Picaizen, Justin Mohareb, Cliff Goldstein, Andre Lieven
Note: No more Panelists are being accepted for this Panel.
Scheduled day/time: Saturday 7:00 PM
Last modified: June 4, 2011
Alternate Alternate Mirror Alternate Universe
Description: The comic book houses keep trying to rewrite their franchises year after year, constantly changing the back story of some much beloved characters. Both Marvel and DC are guilty of doing this. Do you think it's necessary to entice new readership or is it just a symptom of a much larger problem that seems to exist in media these days: lack of originality?
Area: Comics
Programming Team Member: Lance Sibley
Panelists: Justin Mohareb
Scheduled day/time: Saturday 9:00 PM
Last modified: April 20, 2011
Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Series
Description: The series ended after 3 seasons in 2008, was followed by a major film in 2010 and now has a sequel television series scheduled for next year. Let's revisit the original series that started it all and take a look at the upcoming series. Yes, there will be laughter, tears, and speculation in abundance! Join us as we reminisce about Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Iroh, and more.
Area: Anime
Programming Team Member: Ashley Smith
Panelists: Cindy Mohareb (M), Justin Mohareb, David Simmons
Scheduled day/time: Sunday 11:00 AM
Last modified: April 20, 2011
Board Games: Not Just For Kids or Families
Description: Are you a serious board gamer? Do you love Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne or Risk? Do you collect Monopoly versions or vintage games? Meet others like yourself and discuss why board gaming is not just for kids or family fun nights.
Area: Gaming Table and Video
Programming Team Member: Samantha Daigneault
Panelists: Justin Mohareb
Scheduled day/time: Sunday 1:00 PM
Last modified: April 20, 2011
And I'm on a panel with Andre. Joy.
geek life,
alpha flight,
con life,