Today in Dumb Fucks Whose Fatness is Incidental

Sep 30, 2010 17:01

Man, I really like Carol Goar's columns (unlike Heather Mallick, whose serpentine gaze makes me fear for my life and that of any nearby children).

I particularly enjoyed her piece from yesterday about the whole 'free metropass' thingy.

One of Hizzoner To Be Rob Ford's little talking points has been about how he's gonna cut waste at city hall, yadda yadda yadda, free Metropasses.

Goar, in what's one of the journalists little tools of the trade, asked a question: Who gets those Metropasses?

You want to know who gets most of them? TTC employees and pensioners. So, people who either work for the TTC or worked for them previously. They get them as part of their contracts.

The next largest amount, 17%, goes to the CNIB to distribute to blind people.


A little further down the list, we get 18 metropasses distributed to war amputees.

Wow, is it warm in here?

So, yeah. Basically, he wants to A) fuck the TTC, or B) Fuck blind people and injured soldiers.

Nice job, douchebag.


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