Flynn Lives!

Jul 22, 2009 14:59

cargoweasel posted this link on his Twitter feed, and I must say I'm curious. It's viral marketing for Tron 2, giving us some background (perhaps) on what's ahppened to Flynn since the events of the last film.

Genius, Visionary, Modern Hero.

That is Kevin Flynn.

He came into our lives and showed us the limitless possibilities of the future. And then, all of a sudden, he "disappeared."

Some people believed he died. We don't. We know that Kevin Flynn Lives.

We're not crazy, we're not obssessed, we're not lunatics. We simply have followed the facts wherever they lead. And the facts tell us that Kevin Flynn Lives.

We are here for Kevin. Nobody can make us stop believing that he is out there, that he's waiting for us, and that he will return when the time is right.


This is saying to be at 1 & J tomorrow. The info under Terms of Use indicate they're located in San Diego. There is an intersecion of 1st Ave & J St in San Diego.

There are two cul de sacs near that intersection: J Place and Vallecitos Way.

If only some kind of mass media event was going on in San Diego this weekend. Hmmm.

tron, cinema, internetery

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