Not dead!

Jul 06, 2009 10:00

Apparently there was some confusion as to if I was quitting LJ after my last post which apparently also extended to myself.

I got my "subscription expired" email last night. Rather... I have no idea what, actually. Rather like a bill reminder.

Feh. Busy as heck weekend, in any case. Yard work on Saturday, then atomiks came by to poke at a printer (verdict: didn't work).

Thankfully, printers are slightly more disposable than a very disposable thing, so we got a replacement.

After dinner we showed atomiks how to play Peggle, and then I got to slaughter him & Cynra in Scene it! for the xbox. I didn't enjoy it, but a man has needs.

Sunday was slightly more relaxed. After mroe yard work (hacking down a tree that Cynra was afraid was giving access to our roof to local critters) I headed over to kinra's to work on a sekrit projekt. It involved playing some games (War of 1812 & SW Minis) and watching the Riftrax for Tron.

Hey, here's a great revelation. My copy of Tron DOESN'T WORK. Great thing to find out about a DVD I've had for seven years. Feh.

We only played one year of 1812, but it's a neat little block game. Two points of interest : Yankees need to guard Detroit carefully, because the addition of the Tecumseh block makes things very interesting, and an aggressive war of conquest is a loss if you don't gain any territory.

After watching and playing we did stuff and I headed home, gassed up Cynra's car (she's doing some summer work) and grabbed a crunchwrap for dinner.

Now, it's Monday. Feh.

lj, home life, cinema, gaming

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