Come on: A Wonder Woman fanzine called "Bound and Determined"? That's genius, right there!
In other words, the Thursday Night GM (The Greatest GM Ever TM) has let us know that 4E does not easily support people taking over others PCs during an absence, and has suggested we might create documents to allow other players to get a handle on how to use the character's various abilities in a considered, tactical manner.
I think Lacklow's would be pretty straightforward.
Is it alive?
Yes: Stab it in the eye.
No: Flank another enemy and stab it in the eye
Is it Still alive?
Yes: How about a Daily?
No: Flankity flankity, stabbity stabbity.
Is it still alive?
Yes: I'm fresh out of ideas. Hide behind the Dragonborn, maybe?
No: We're going all aboard on a stabby train!
In other news, I still can't imagine why Paul compares him to