Jan 28, 2006 01:08
I just sat here and read my entire journal list since I opened this site. How Interesting! It brought back alot of memories, good and bad. I think I am going to open a myspace account and try to post more often and with more ppl. I never allowed alot of friends on this site because, well, frankly, what i was going thru at the time was not everyone's business. Now I dont think i really care anymore. I mean, I am just out of a relationship, that, apparently, I didnt have a whole lot positive to say about, (on the rare occasion that I actually posted something about it), and I miss connecting with all of my old friends. I have never felt more free! I will have to admit that I do miss someone on occasion with my same sense of humor making me laugh and keeping me warm at night,we did have a long run, but the perks of being alone far outweigh. I am just sorry that he felt things needed to be so hurtful, he still seems to have convinced himself that I did something to him. I never slept w anyone else, I supported him for like 8 mos, I tried to help him find the better things in life, but I always felt unloved, unappreciated, and unhappy. I truly hope, even after all of the lying and the stealing and the hurt that he has purposely imposed on me thats he finds his way. I used to BE him yrs ago. You have to really care about someone to hate them, and I dont hate him at all, mostly, I feel sorry for him. I wish I could hate him, but I just dont feel it.Theres so many ppl i havent talked to in forever because I dissed them for a live in, (sorry ppl:()I cant wait to reconnect with everyone! I wake up everyday with a smile, literally, and u guys know thats just isnt me...I HATE mornings!