Your New Years Resolution Should Be: Get rid of your "computer butt"
You've got more than "back" - you've got a big, fat ass.
And it's probably because you count multiple IM sessions as exercise
So, get yourself on the Hacker's Diet, stat...
And then you can stop pretending that you're a hot chick in chat rooms.
What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Hahahahaha. **Blushes** But I don't pretend to be a hot chick in chat rooms! Honest!
Anyway, yeah. So the freakin' snow has started back up. Aaaaaaaaaaak! It seems I am doomed to never see my Incline buddies again. :( Thank goodness for AIM. :)
Does anyone want to go see Ocean's Twelve? I've been dying to see it for a long time now. But Ariene hates heist movies, Katelyn doesn't want to watch a movie period, and Dan, Sam, Bobby, Ashley, and all my other Incline pals are snowed in. So I haven't seen it yet.
I am really pissed about my grades. They sucked horribly. And every time they get brought up in a conversation with my parents, it's pretty much guaranteed that we'll be talking about grades for about another hour or so. I hate grades. Well, more like I hate myself for getting the grades that I got, but whatever.
So, I've been absolutely obsessed with the puzzle Dan got me for Christmas. I basically work on it from when I get home until I practically fall asleep. I guess that's what happens when I get a combo of birds and puzzles. hahahaha