May 05, 2005 11:14
I got no pictures and nothing to do so here's a text entry.
Here's what's going on in my life.
School is almost over. Next week is finals. I did decent in all of my classes. I don't think I should have any C's. Hopefully I'll study for my finals.
I am working at the YMCA for the summer again and will staying in Baton Rouge.
Events coming up:
This weekend I have a thing on Sat. and one on Sun. for the YMCA so I'll be in BR all weekend.
Next weekend I have a YMCA thing on Sun so I'll be in BR again.
The first week of camp is the 23rd so I'll be sorta moving into the Aster house that weekend before.
Jacob's band is going on a week tour in June from the 16th to the 25th or someting like that. I plan on going with them. Two problems with that.
Problem1) Star Wars Episode III will be attended by all of my firends as one of our highly acclaimed movie nights. That's on the 20th. I would hate to miss it.
Problem 2)Stephen's wedding is on the 25th which I am the best man for, soooooooo.......
If I go with Jacob and them I will miss Star Wars night and have to rush back for hte wedding. It would be nice if Jacob got to make it to the wedding though.
Besides that and one online summer school course, I will be working at the Y all summer, hopefully practicing with Brandon, Zach, and Seth for a SDS reunion show, and playing lots of video games.
EDIT:: I just got a phone call from Jacob saying that the dates are changed to the 12th - the 17th, so that fixes all my problems with that!!! Yippie!