(no subject)

Sep 20, 2006 17:10

Well, It has been a very interesting couple of days, and ive got time to burn, so whynot indugle all you.
first off i discovered i have some kind of allergy, possibly a food allergy. Now to what is a question i have no answers for, but basic logic tells me I should PROBABLY find out *shrug*.
I discovered this allergy starting friday. Hands were puffy, itchy. i thought nothing of it....
saturday, little red dots start invading my arm, now see i figured i was turning into toad, from the mario games....so i took some benedryl, and wouldnt ya know it, it did squat. Sunday when i woke up and sat down i noticed little happy red dots ALL over....arms, legs, thighs, hands puffy. By night fall i had em on face ANd chest. Now during all of this you would think "mike your sick, MAYBE you shouldnt go to work" Well, im not that bright...i worked all 3 days lol.
So Monday i finally decided..I itch, i might as well go to the campus health center. Well these dots would come off and on, appear than dissapear..as johnny carson would say "weird and wild stuff"..so i called em, they said walk right on in....Well i figure ill go at 1pm..mind you they are open now...but im not that bright one again. So I walk over, dots dissapear, i think "crap"...well to my "luck" they re appeared in full force when i got there.

So the triage nurse sits down and goes "so whats wrong"....mind you im in sorts and a tshirt and she cant see these red dots, i REALLy hoped she didnt think i got bored with a magic marker, but explained the dots to her, she said..ok go reigster.

so i go, register....THAn go see the doctor...waiting wasnt horrible. cept i itched like a mother fucker...So i get called into a office. a hot nurse comes in, VERY friendly..i tell her my tale she takes down info and tells me, ok take your pants and over shirt off (i was wearing my Uber large button up shirt over a tshirt)....but sadly she leaves...Well another female doc comes in, not as hot but not bad walks in..mind you i SHOULd be worried about my dots, but i was thinking, "alright in a room with a lady and i dont have pants on(very quagmire type moment)"...well she inspects me, asks me if i ave ANY allergies or do i take any drugs. I told her not that im aware of....

Well in the end she determined it was a Very severe food allergy reaction....now WHAT the food was i dont know, but eh, who cares. she said it could also be combined with stress...now hmmmm...IVE never had problems with stress with work and school (if you cant sense the sarcasm smack yourself:-p)..so she gives me zyrtec and something called psioden oh something like that.....so im on meds now. Well i take em tuesday morning (mind u i slept horrible, it doesnt matter HOW many socks u put on your hands, when u gotta scratch, you find a way to scratch)..and within an hour they were all gone, havnt had 1 itch since).

So im ok now! yay!

work and school are going ok. I got a "promotion" to Lead Game advisor (theres game advisors, than LGA, than Senior game advisor than Assistant manager than manager, i THINK)...which is kewl cause it comes with a raise.
other than that life is boring. and imbeg to realize i think My rabbit BOB Might be trying to kill me. when shes not eating or sleeping (23.9 hours of the day) she trys to trip me...and when i go ot pet her she runs....

anywho *waves* bye everybody
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