Trade-offs with open spots:
("Last chance!" means this is the last month you can trade in these posts. Open threads with this mark will not be open when the conclusion of September comes around! "Unreplied trade!" means that there's a trade-offer that hasn't been replied to.)
Lonelyeco (4 spots left!)
Doda_Lani (3 spots left!)
People who are late with trading:
(The trade-limit is two weeks, no stress, but please let your trade-buddy/buddies know when/if you will be done)
Pkheartznroses & Verocchio (I know that your wrist still hasn't healed and that you therefore are unable to finish your trades for the time being.)
Pkheartznroses (Read above!)
Nabila (*)
Greymanticore & Esperesa/Yuxi (*)
Vupii & Syl_gordon (*)
Nihilistnailz & Nymphynymms (*)
Ilex_sims & Alfredaskew (*)
Soft_princess & Trappingit (*)
Astridattack & Meepshit (*)
Clericalrodent & 15dozentimes (I saw your post about your computer and that you'll finish whenever it gets back from the repairs. Best of luck!)
HCove & Nymphy (Please let your trading-buddy know when you might be able to finish.)
HCove & Yandereplum (Read above.)
Zora_graves & Hermit_fox (I've seen your message regarding your health. Take care.)
Eltaninz (Please let your trading buddy/buddies know when you might be able to finish.)
Wickedsims2 & Dark_moon689 (I saw the picture of the gift. I'll check this as done once the DL-link comes up.)
Lonelyeco & Lithiumvortex (Please let your trading buddy know when you might be able to finish.)
Lonelyeco & 2fingerswhiskey (Same as above.)
Voleste & Blondebabe800 (Please let your trading buddy know when you might be able to finish.)
Yandereplum & Blondebabe800 (Please let your trading buddy know when you might be able to finish.)
* = This symbol signifies that a temp-ban bas been assigned. It means that you can't make new trades until you've finished the one(s) you've got going. If you wish to remove the ban all you have to do is finish the trade and contact us. In case the line with this symbol contains two names, unless mentioned otherwise, the ban only refers to the first name.
Items that's been shared these months: