Apr 15, 2012 14:29
To be honest I have no idea why comments including pictures and/or download-links would be filed as spam, but apparently that's been the case more than once. I've descided to change the community-settings from no moderation from my part to part-moderation. Entried with whitelisted domains will now be automatically posted and shouldn't be filed as spam. I don't know if this will go for comments as well, but I hope so. Picture hosting sites on the whitelist are imgur.com, tinypic.com and photobucket.com. Whitelisted file hosting sites are mediafire.com, box.net and dropbox.com. If you use those sites when linking to downloads and/or pictures your entry/comment should be posted :) All fixed! Comments should no longer be marked as spam :D
And for those that host trade-posts - if you get your trade through PM, please don't forget update your post with picture and download-link to the item you recieved. That is, if you don't, for whichever reason it may be, want to keep it private. Remember to also update your own post with the items you make and trade with. If you post both what you give and what you recieve in your main post it will make it much easier for me to collect pictures and links at the end of the month when I made a post collecting everything that's been traded in the month that's been.
And that ends this message. Thank you for reading :3