What I Can Make: Sims, lots, hair retextures, make-up, simple clothing and object recolours, paintings and posters, walls and floors, neighbourhood terrains.
My General Style: Maxis Match, or rather Maxis improved. :P I tend to mix cartoony and bright with natural and sober colours. (with sober, I mean Trappings palettes.)
Amount of Participants I
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It's a small neighbourhood terrain, nearby a lake and surrounded by hills. I also made you an house on an 1x1 lot.
You can find more pictures of the interior + overviews in this post.
Probably requires most eps and sps. I know I didn't wait for your answer if you didn't have a certain ep or sp, but if you experience problems with this lot, tell me so I'll build you a new one. ♥
Download everything here
I hope you like them! :)
This is the small set of neighbourhood decos, converted from Axis&Allies.
Download it here
I love the deco set! That church is so pretty. <3 Thank you very much. :)
I'm glad that you like decos. Happy simming!
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