Trade Off - Voleste - Closed

Sep 13, 2012 14:17

What I Can Make: Sims, lots, hair retextures, make-up, simple clothing and object recolours, paintings and posters, walls and floors, neighbourhood terrains.
My General Style: Maxis Match, or rather Maxis improved. :P I tend to mix cartoony and bright with natural and sober colours. (with sober, I mean Trappings palettes.)
Amount of Participants I ( Read more... )

!trade-off, !done, voleste

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voleste September 25 2012, 15:47:46 UTC
Well, I'm done!

It's a small neighbourhood terrain, nearby a lake and surrounded by hills. I also made you an house on an 1x1 lot.

You can find more pictures of the interior + overviews in this post.
Probably requires most eps and sps. I know I didn't wait for your answer if you didn't have a certain ep or sp, but if you experience problems with this lot, tell me so I'll build you a new one. ♥

Download everything here

I hope you like them! :)


podchacha October 8 2012, 18:27:59 UTC
Thank you! This is terrain of my dream! Honesty, the grid of roads is absolutely perfect for me! And house is so cute)) But mediafire doesn't allow me to download it(((( I'm so sad(((
This is the small set of neighbourhood decos, converted from Axis&Allies.

Download it here


voleste October 8 2012, 18:34:54 UTC
I'm so sorry you haven't been able to download it! I reuploaded it to, try this link?

I love the deco set! That church is so pretty. <3 Thank you very much. :)


podchacha October 8 2012, 18:37:54 UTC
This link is correct! I'm so happy! Thank you!
I'm glad that you like decos. Happy simming!


buzzylittleb October 29 2012, 20:37:29 UTC
Nix that. Sorry.


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