What I Can Make: Sims, lots, hair retextures, make-up, simple clothing and object recolours, paintings and posters, walls and floors, neighbourhood terrains.
My General Style: Maxis Match, or rather Maxis improved. :P I tend to mix cartoony and bright with natural and sober colours. (with sober, I mean Trappings palettes.)
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Comments 30
What I Can Make: Lots, maxis match hair retextures, wall & floors, recolors of objects and clothes, shoe swaps, makeup.
I could do the eye recolors :) I never saw that set, but I've been wanting more colors for those eyes.
My General Style: Maxis match
What I'd Like to Receive: I have so much of your stuff in my game, so anything goes really. If you need ideas though, I could always do with some hairs or some simple makeup that looks good on an S3 skintone.
I'd love more recolours for your eyes, they're my favourite. :P
Do you like hairs in Remi's textures/colours or Simgaroops? And I'll try the makeup, there's never too much makeup. :)
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My General style: 1920's realistic genes, a combo of Maxis Match and realistic on everything else.
What I'd like to Receive: I would like either 1920's style clothing (for teens or elders would be the best if you choose to do them), or more Pookleted hairs of bunheadbun's mesh here: http://thebigtradeoff.livejournal.com/15156.html?thread=378164#t378164, or a community lot that fits into my game's 1920's theme.
For the hair, do you mean this one? My computer didn't like the link and brought me to another post. Are there any other hairs you like?
I'm not sure if I could do 1920's clothing justice, but I'll like to try to build a community lot. Are there any specific lots you're looking for? A restaurant perhaps? \
In return, I'd love to have some paintings from famous painters on maxis meshes. (you can pick whoever you like!)
What I Can Make: I can make object recolors, straightforward TS3 object conversions (things that don't require tinkering with animations, joints, or slots), walls & floors (although I generally do recolors of those) and lots. I was thinking of making some small community lots - maybe 1x1 or 1x2 sizes for you, and maybe an object conversion or two. Do you have any specific preferences? Restaurant, coffee shop, general store, or any objects you've had your eye on? If you're okay with community lots, any expansions or stuff packs you don't have?
My General Style: Maxis match is always great, and I prefer contemporary, accessible designs - like you would see on an average Sim or in the average home. IKEA & HM stuff packs are just my style.
What I'd Like to Receive: I'm always on the prowl for Maxis Match recolors of TS3 hair conversions. I'm planning to build custom vacation destinations for my BaCC, and would love some small island terrains with a few streets. Also ( ... )
I'd love to do a few 3t2 hairs for you. Do you prefer Remi's or Simgaroops textures/colours? I would also like to try a nice island terrain.
I have all of the expansion and stuff packs and community lots sound great! I would love to have a coffee shop. :D A little CC is totally fine, by the way. As for objects, I don't really have something specific in mind, but decorative items are always nice.
My General Style:Let's call it semi-realistic. I usually use both maxis-mathc and realistic/photoskinned content at the same time.
What I'd Like to Receive: Honestly, i'm looking for a small urban neighborhood map for minilots quite a long time. Lots (specially minilots with mostly maxis content) is always welcome, too.
I'd be really happy to get neighbourhood deco or an object conversion in return!
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This is the small set of neighbourhood decos, converted from Axis&Allies.
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What I Can Make: Hair re-textures and/or recolors, simple clothing retextures and/or recolors, object recolors/retextures, Simlish posters and portraits, simple replacements. My computer is back in action (and I finally completed my download folder), so I can work on something a bit more elaborated this time :)
My General Style: Maxis Match.
What I'd Like to Receive: I will love anything you make, but if you'd like me to be more specific, anything suited for desert would be great! Lots, plants (recolors), walls, anything that would look all right in Strangetown (or Vyper Canyon) will be perfect. Other than that, I am always looking for male hair (specially older meshes that haven't been recolored/re-textured yet)
Makeup or simlish posters sound both fine. I'm in love with your simlish posters and I have almost all of them in my game. :P I don't really have a preference, but if you need inspiration,you can read my About Me on tumblr.
When I read desert, my first thought was recolouring cacti. I don't think I've seen any recolour of the Maxis cactus anywhere. Anyway, I'll definitely find something desert theme and like you I'm always on the hunt for male hair, so if I find something nice I'll get on it. :)
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(I'm working on your present at the moment!)
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