Apr 20, 2005 07:15
Industry Anylysis
Casa Di Italia is part of an industry that has established itself as an intergral part of an American Lifestyle. More that 45 percent of today’s food dollar is spent away from home, and almost half of all adults are restaurant patrons on a typical day. Children, teenagers, and young adults are more familiar with restaurants and knew cuisines that ever before and are increasing their restaurant spending. The same is true for the baby boomers and members of the older generation who have been empowered by strong economic growth and gains in income.
National Growth
The restaurant industry enjoyed nine consecutive years of real sales growth as they entered the new century. Sales in 2000 were calculated at $376 billion and are expected to increase steadily to $557 billion by 2010; an increase of 53 percent in ten years. Full-service restaurants accounted for about two-thirds or $253 billon of the 2000 sales. Using the same ratio, full-service will account for about $388 billion of the industry sales in 2010.