Jan 26, 2010 23:57
So I actually agonized over this one - where to start? 'Cuz to be honest, I should probably be starting with Nova, as he was my first original character that I can remember. But considering that Nova's changed so much since his inception, I decided to start with the following:
Kiro Kai
World/Setting: Krynn/Dragonlance
Age: mid-late 20s
Height: 6'4"
Build: muscular
Eyes: black
Hair: black, slightly curly, short
Race: half-Ergothian/half-Solamnic
Skin Tone: bronze-to-dark
Distinguishing characteristics: birthmark on right shoulder, scar on left knee
Born to a seamstress mother and an adventurer-turned-blacksmith father, Kai(as he took to going by in his mid 20s) grew up with his parents in the town of Skylen on the plains of Solamnia, the prosperous nation home to the most prominent knightly order on Krynn. A big-hearted and courageous kid, his passion in life from childhood was to follow in the footsteps of his father as a continent-hopping do-gooder. His first adventures were "treasure hunts" with his closest friends, the twins Krysta and Kazaan Renaud, and shortly after turning sixteen he ran away from home to enroll in the military academy in Solanthus, the capital of Solamnia. However, his first attempt was not to be; though he showed some degree of natural skill, he had never been trained in a weapon - his mother having expressly forbidden his father from doing so - and tried to jump into a class too high for his skills. He did manage to draw the attention of an old graduate of the academy, the woodsman Valerius Wildrunner, though, and spent a year learning the basics of combat from the seasoned fighter before enrolling successfully in the academy. He quickly earned a reputation for being a powerful, skilled swordsman with a dogged temperament and a strong desire to protect those around him.
When he returned home two years later, Kai found that he had a little sister, Reia, who had just turned two. Sticking around to be the big brother, it was only a little over a year before adventure called once more, and he was again off. With formal training under his belt, it wasn't long before he met up with and joined the team that would eventually become known as Lighthammer for its daring exploits in the name of good. His most prominent early adventure involved meeting and saving the future love of his life, the priestess Diana Nox, from being kidnapped and turned into a vampire(the same where he found out that, apparently, some vampire named Sironius thinks he's the reincarnation of his old enemy Jareth, and also where he found his trademark weapon, the giant sword known as Moonblade).
Over the next few years, Kai's travels took him all over Krynn, as Lighthammer jumped headlong into the fray against all manner of horrors threatening the nations. Upbeat, compassionate, and uninhibited("lecherous," in the words of one of his best friends, the elven cleric Lycidian Demuir), his early 20s consisted largely of leaping to the defense of anyone in need, in-between living it up as a devil-may-care wanderer. He also made some friends in very high places, unknowingly becoming best friends with the prince of an elven kingdom, Rengar Sacomo(in reality Rengalanthas Kith-Kanaan) and earning honorary rank as a Knight of Solamnia due to his work with the Solamnic Knight Lugashaldim. This all left time for only a couple of stops at home every year, which would eventually create a bit of tension between he and his sister as she entered adolescence, but his newest sibling Gyriel, the little brother born just a couple of years after Reia, developed an avid attachment to his practically idolized big brother. It was also during these years that he helped build a home of his own in Solace, a town perched in the low but massively-wide and strong valenwood trees located south of Solamnia, to the northeast of the Qualinesti forest, as well as finally striking up a serious relationship with Diana.
Note: Most likely, I'll also be listing the various themes I've had for these characters in the Music box. You might say "But, Ro, why would I care about the theme?" To which I say this: 'cuz the music you associate with a character can say a lot about them. Duh.