Dec 16, 2006 23:12
TeamCambel369: hellew
pooperscooper018: HELLEW STEWP
pooperscooper018: how you is?
TeamCambel369: im gewd
pooperscooper018: you missed it foo
pooperscooper018: friday i was stocking with stephen and chris
pooperscooper018: so if you came i totally could have talked to you
TeamCambel369: yeah...
TeamCambel369: that wouldve been better than what i did
TeamCambel369: singsingsingsingsingsingsingsingsing
TeamCambel369: but then i saw stranger than fiction
TeamCambel369: it was way good
pooperscooper018: i wanted to see that
pooperscooper018: GAH
pooperscooper018: so many movies out
pooperscooper018: that i must see
pooperscooper018: with my eyes
TeamCambel369: i actually saw it via poop
pooperscooper018: really.
pooperscooper018: through your cloaca?
pooperscooper018: because you are a bird?
TeamCambel369: through my colin
pooperscooper018: via colin steiner
TeamCambel369: my colin powell
pooperscooper018: ohhh that one
TeamCambel369: hahhahaa
pooperscooper018: speaking of colin steiner
pooperscooper018: I AM SO HUNGRY
TeamCambel369: frankensteiner is too fat
pooperscooper018: what a wonderous sight.
TeamCambel369: hahhahahahahhahaha
pooperscooper018: seriously though
TeamCambel369: im hungry too
pooperscooper018: i want some poop corn
pooperscooper018: aka brown pop corn
pooperscooper018: minus the brown
TeamCambel369: plus the butter
TeamCambel369: mmmmmmmmmmmm
pooperscooper018: time to gorge
pooperscooper018: adam burger came in tonite
pooperscooper018: i was like gasp
pooperscooper018: and he bought gum
TeamCambel369: hahaha
TeamCambel369: so adam cheeseburger
pooperscooper018: adam fingerburger
TeamCambel369: adam bamburger
pooperscooper018: adam appleburger
TeamCambel369: adam hamburger
TeamCambel369: adam pumpernickleburger
pooperscooper018: hahaha
pooperscooper018: adam eveburger
TeamCambel369: hahha
TeamCambel369: ahhhahaa
TeamCambel369: adam poopburger
pooperscooper018: haaa
pooperscooper018: always revert back to poop
pooperscooper018: when in need
TeamCambel369: sirsly