my responess were as so; santa - i would ask him if he were real st. valentine - ask him if he knew a masacre would lead to a day of love easter bunny - what does he do with the left over eggs or the ones that go rotten ian mckaye - when he was preaching about straight edge, if he knew he would someday become a drunakrd tooth fairy - what EXACTLY do you do with all of those teeth?
santa - ask him if he were real st. valentine - ask him if he knew a massacre would lead to a day of love easter bunny - what he does with left over eggs or ones that go rotten ian mckaye - if he knew that when he was preaching straight edge, if he would someday be a drunkard spiderman - of which of his cartoons, movies or comics he liked the best tooth fairy - what does she DO with all of those teeth?
my responess were as so;
santa - i would ask him if he were real
st. valentine - ask him if he knew a masacre would lead to a day of love
easter bunny - what does he do with the left over eggs or the ones that go rotten
ian mckaye - when he was preaching about straight edge, if he knew he would someday become a drunakrd
tooth fairy - what EXACTLY do you do with all of those teeth?
my answers were;
santa - ask him if he were real
st. valentine - ask him if he knew a massacre would lead to a day of love
easter bunny - what he does with left over eggs or ones that go rotten
ian mckaye - if he knew that when he was preaching straight edge, if he would someday be a drunkard
spiderman - of which of his cartoons, movies or comics he liked the best
tooth fairy - what does she DO with all of those teeth?
i think i can turn that into a song :-)
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