How awesome was this week? So awesome! You, Little Sister, are the best Little anyone could ask for. The best person anyone could have asked for! And I'm not the only one who says so. Look-
melandry: msmoocow is absolutely fabulous, and I'm not sure she even knows it - or believes it. She writes a fabulous Neville, she makes beautiful graphics, and her original fiction and poetry are top-notch. Plus, she gives her computers funny nicknames! Who wouldn't love that? I'm so glad she found and friended me, because it's an honor to know such a creative person.
sowritesauds: Things I love about dear Jaymee:
1) She isn't afraid to attract men with vegetables
2) She's a fun girl to attempt an all-nighter with
3) Being an AP student is no easy task, but she's stepping up and
making the most of school
4) All in all, she's funny, smart, sassy and pretty fabulous.
shiiki: ...Gushing about Jaymee (msmoocow)... [is]... easy enough, because she is one person who is made of awesome!
She's got such a wacky sense of humour, which makes all her LJ posts hilarious and interesting to read. She actually friended me first, over a book rec I made on redsioda's journal, and I remember thinking she was a lovely, friendly person with excellent taste in books! :)
queenb23more: msmoocow - I love your enthusiasm and your never-ending optimism!! You always brighten my day!! I hope that school eases up somewhat very soon - keep your eye on Spring Break!! :)
And I totally forgot to ask
redsioda (Boo, hiss!) but she mailed me anyway!
redsioda: I was forwarded your email by queenb23more. I'm one of msmoocow's friends on LJ, and I absolutely adore her. So I really wanted to write something down for her, so i could participate in this showering of love. :)
Dear Msmoocow,
I could go lyrical about how we met. I could scrap a violin by trying to play you some flowery music expressing the deepness of my glee when I read such mental image-inducing phrasings such as " Went to computer lab and noticed I had lettuce in my bra." I could sing you a heartfelt rendition of a self composed song about leaky uteruses.
I could.
But why bother with the accessory, when I can cut straight to the chase? Why do all those fancy things, when I can simply say how much I find you endearing? <3<3<3
We have been LJ friends for many months now, and I have been lucky enough to be allowed into your circle of LJ friends, so I could enjoy your great and funny writing. I'm truly amazed by your talent, your writing skills and your original outlook on life.
But I also have to say that your genuine sweetness, under that nice varnish of humor, is just overwhelming.
I wish you the very best, dear. I'm there to cheerlead you into anything, if you may need it. You are one truly special lady, and I want you to know that I'm here for you.
So there. Now we can get all teary and emotional.
Julie (aka RedSioda)
spidergirl30: I´m spidergirl30 from LJ and I want say some nice things about msmoocow :)
I friended her because she is friend of a mutual friend, redsioda: she said msmoocow was very nice and funny.
So I checked her LJ and we became friends :D
I love her sense of humour and good heart.I do love reading her lj entries and loved to pieces her story she published at CM "Sparks" :D
She wrote me once a drabble for cheer me up that made my day: it´s about Spidey (me) and Charlie Weasley, that´s so adorable :)
What I need to say more?
I heart J to pieces :)
And, finally, me: Jaymee(I finally know your name!), you are honestly one of the nicest people I've met online. I was hesitant about doing Big/Little, since I'd never done anything like this before and I was worried that I wouldn't be worry good at it- I wouldn't do it "right". But I'm so glad I finally chose to do it because I got to meet you and get to know you to an extent. You, Little, are one of the nicest, kindest and most loving people I know. You have such a quirky sense of humour and I love the way you write. And you've turned me into a Neville-lovah. Why did I not notice him before? Why? The Big/Little Week has ended, and I'm quite sad about that. I had so much fun planning out presents for you everyday, worrying whether you'd like them and then wibbling with joy when you did. So, thank you so much- for letting me have fun being all sneaky, for introducing me to things I wouldn't have otherwise discovered and most importantly, for letting me get to know you. I ♥ you, Little Sister. *hugs*
Right, so now we're done with the emotional, sappy bits, let's move on. When school will finally, finally be done, you'll have Spring Break. A nice bit of time for fun and relaxation. I know you like getting prompts, so I thought I'd give you a few to play around with on your vacation. By no means are you compelled to actually pay mind to any of this tosh, but if you're extremely bored you could give it a whirl.
Prompt The First:
Fools In Love by Inara George. Prompt The Second: I thought these were particularly suited to Neville, since everybody wonders why he's in Gryffindor when he's not the most heroic of them all.
1)"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." -Ambrose Redmoon
Okay, am I the only one who thought his name was AWESOMESAUCE?! I want to be called Ambrose Redmoon, damnit!
2) "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow." -Mary Anne Radmacher
3) "It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." -Mark Twain
4) Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared. -Edward Vernon Rickenbacker
Not a prompt, but I know you love To Kill A Mockingbird, so: "It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived." -Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
Prompt The Third:
This awesome piece of Art by seviet (The one right after Santa's List.)
Or this one. And I personally love this one for the grumpy, disapproving look on Madam Pomfrey's face. It isn't Neville, but still. Nrr. I had a wonderful week...I hope you did too!
PS- I hardly think I made an effort to conceal who I am...I'm quite sure you know....sooo, any guesses? :D
Spring is coming up and it is really the best time to go on that fantasy vacation. So here are some fantastic pictures to pick exactly where you'd liek to go. Alright, not really, but they're pretty pictures at any rate, right? Right.
Paris, always a popular choice, non?
Or maybe, Ireland:
These are the Cliffs Of Moher:
Very romantic. Or if you're feeling grumpy when you're visting them you can push people off. Yeah.
Oooh, Scotland's lovely too. Men in kilts, mmm.
Plus you can go to Hogwarts and molest Neville.
London, perhaps?
Or India.
Okay, I'm beginning to sound like a travel brochure now, so I'll stop here. XD
Enjoy the weekend! ♥