banana and strawberry omelettes

Feb 02, 2007 14:42

One of the nice things about having an early riser for a lover is that they will occasionally have breakfast waiting for you when you wake up. In this area, Lam has come a long way. From being able to only make coffee and tea, he has progressed as far as cutting up fruit, making toast and now has accomplished the ultimate - creating his own omelette. In the past months he has been diligently studying my omelette technique, mostly by accosting me as I try to make them. Finally conquering such tricky questions as how much butter to use, when to fold it over, and how hot the pan should be, he has started to branch out.

Yesterday I was served with his first actual creation - banana, strawberry and cherry-tomato omelettes. That's what living with an artist will get you. They always have to come up with something new.

It was really really good. At first comtemplation the masterpiece crossed a few food categories that I didn't know were hidden in my brain: omelettes are savory, strawberries and eggs don't mix. But, really, as with corn on pizza (another Chinese surprise I discovered here) there's no reason NOT to have a banana and strawberry omelette - especially when you don't make them yourself and your pleased-as-punch lover hands you freshly brewed coffee as you stagger out of bed with your hair sticking to your face. As if the shit-eating grin wasn't enough to keep you from bitching to him (it's morning after all; being cranky should be a right!), the bouncy up-and-down eagerness with which he pulls out your chair and says good morning makes it almost possible to smile. By the time I made it through half the omelette and, not coincidently, two cups of tea and one of coffee, I had actually progressed to talking and was awake and happy enough to compliment the chef.

The student has indeed become the master.

What will he make of lasagna?
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