Leverage Big Bang 2013 - Normal Big Bang Masterlist

Jun 20, 2013 23:10

Here is the complete list of the stories and art produced for this year’s normal big bang.

Transition - written by acquariusgb with art by ultra_fic
Characters/Pairings: Team, Tara Cole, Sam Ford and others. Pairing: Nate/Sophie
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 26,452
Summary: My version of Season 2 where Sam is still alive. Sequel to: A Simple Gesture That Changed Everything But it can read as a stand alone fic.
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Art for An entrance somewhere else by hollymarchosias - for ellabee’s unpublished story.


Nobody Dies in Plan M written by jendavis with art by kymericl
Pairing: Parker/Hardison? Eliot/Alec? OT3? NOBODY? You decide!
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Choose Your Own Adventure!
Warnings: There could be character death herein. Or it might wind up with a pairing you don't like. But there's nothing I'd define as triggering. Unless you're squeamish about crack in your easter eggs.
Word Count: Oh dear... at least 24,000.
Summary: You're Alec Hardison, and these are the choices you make.
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The Promises we Made written by lady_yashka with art by susanmarier
Characters/Pairings: Gen with canon pairings
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Violence towards children, OC character death. Spoilers through all seasons of Leverage and vague spoilers for seasons 1-4 of White Collar.
Word Count: 17, 163
Summary: After the fiasco with Michael and his followers, life settled down a bit. Eliot still did jobs for the Order of Thanatos, and now that Nate and Sophie had left the game, he, Hardison, and Parker were all set to take their crusade against corporate greed international. Then one day an old acquaintance of Eliot's shows up, calling in a favor owed. He has a job for Eliot, one which could not only get him kill, but start a war if the wrong people found out about it.
Sequel to: Sinner's Prayer
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The Arch-Nemesis Job written by valawenel with art by mariella1983
Characters/Pairings: Eliot Spencer, Nate/Sophie, Hardison/Parker
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers:Mild spoilers for Season5 - my version of The Japan Job, and hints of The Rundown Job ( in talks about Washington Job, because they didn't know yet it will go south after diamonds were retrieved) Also, mild spoiler for the ending of The Season Six Job - it does not say how TSSJ will finish, it only gives a glimpse on aftermath.
Word Count: 15.300 words
Summary: A few days between Japan and Washington, Nate had an unexpected situation he needed to solve and survive with the team... while in a meantime Eliot was doing something irrelevant.
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Another Wedding Job written by brinchen86 with art by astral_angel
Characters/Pairings: Eliot/Parker, Nate/Sophie, Hardison, Bonanno
Rating: PG - 13
Word Count: 16,409
Summary: Nate and Sophie get married, but of course, their wedding doesn't exactly turn out the way it's supposed to. Behind the backs of the newly married couple, quite a few things are going on, including an unexpected job, which basically makes them the team's clients. Eliot and Parker admit their feelings to each other, Hardison spots bad guys among the guests, and, along with Captain Bonanno, the trio has to make sure to stop those guys before they can mess with their friends' wedding party.
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The Tangled Web Job written bytelaryn & scout_lover with art by alinaandalion
Characters/Pairings: Team, Damien Moreau, Director Conrad, Sterling, Nana, all canon pairings.
Rating: PG-13 leaning over the fence and shaking hands with R
Warnings/Spoilers: Set after the events of The Last Dam Job, the story is directly drawn from events in The Experimental Job.
Word Count: 50,069
Summary: The threat issued by CIA Director Conrad at the end of The Experimental Job proves to be anything but idle. The team is blackmailed into working for the CIA to help gain control of the major nuclear pipeline into Iran. To accomplish this and keep their loved ones safe, they are forced to work with an old enemy towards a common goal.
What the CIA fails to realize is that catching the Leverage team and holding them are usually two different things.
What Nate fails to realize is that the price for squirming free of the government's grasp is likely to be higher than he expected.
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Great Was The Fall written by yanzadracan with art by sian1359
Fandom: Avengers/Leverage
Word Count: 20,736
Pairings: Eliot Spencer/Clint Barton; Nate/Sophie; Tony/Pepper; Natasha Romanoff/Phil Coulson; Parker/Hardison
Rating: R
Warnings: language; a little sex, a little violence
Summary: Director Nick Fury had things arranged just how he wanted them. Everyone was tucked up under the SHIELD umbrella, and they were all living happily ever after…or were they? Eliot protects. That's his job. As his Leverage family begins to merge with his Avenger family, it's not the villains causing problems. Will the pressure expose the cracks in Eliot's relationship with Clint, and will it survive? In a game of chess with mortal pawns can Eliot complete his endgame, and how does the Winter Soldier factor in the game?
A/N: Spoilers: Season 5 Leverage: The Rundown Job, The Long Goodbye. Part 2 of The One-Eyed King series.
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Perfect Broken written by ruquas with art by kadams27
Word Count: 19382
Pairings: Eliot/OMC, Nathan/Eliot
Rating: NC 17
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Violence, Rape, Slash
Summary: Nathan didn't like the look on Eliot's face, neither he liked Eliot's change in behaviour. And the least thing he likes were the bruises that turned up on Eliot. But when Eliot disappears, Nathan is angry. At himself, at Eliot and most of all at this scum that called himself Eliot's boyfriend.
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Just What I Need written by disturbinglynic with art by evian_fork
Characters/Pairings: Sterling/Eliot
Rating: NC-17
Genre: domestic schmoop
Warnings/Spoilers: brief discussion of watersports, rimming
Word Count: 39,371
Summary: While working a case together, Sterling kisses Eliot. Eliot reacts appropriately and punches Sterling. The damage has already been done though. With just a suggestion from Sterling, Eliot finds himself in Sterling’s bed, and even worse, he finds himself in a relationship with the man. Worse than that, he finds himself actually liking Sterling. Things change for Eliot and Sterling when Sterling pushes Eliot to tell his team the truth about them. Some things become easier, but some things become more complicated. In the end, all Eliot knows is that he has fallen head over heels for Sterling.
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Nobody’s Hero written by theron09 with art by whiskyinmind
Characters/Pairings: Quinn/Clint Barton, Quinn/Eliot Spencer, other characters involved in the story.
Rating: R
Genre: Crossover
Warnings/Spoilers: Character death -. Some violence of the type found in Leverage and Avengers MCU. There is also an incident in which a city gets attacked (in the usual Avengers films kind of way) which may be potentially upsetting to some. Spoilers for season five.
Word Count: 15, 857
Summary: Starting to settle down with Eliot should have been the start of something good for Quinn but when the unthinkable happens he’s forced to negotiate between his relations with SHIELD and his association with the Leverage crew. Facing an unknown memory, Quinn must work to maintain the trust of Parker and her team whilst coming to terms with his past - and possible future - with Clint.
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There Are Wolves written by goneahead & tattooeddevil with art by firefly1344
Characters: Nate, Sophie, Eliot, Hardison, Parker and Cookie, Archie, Tara, Jim Sterling, Chaos, Tony Kadjic, Damien Moreau, Victor Dubenich, Ian Blackpoole and Alex O’Connell
Genre: Gen, AU - Adventure, “sci-fi" of the supernatural variation.
Rating: R
Warnings/Spoilers: Language, multiple minor character deaths, gore
Word Count: ~39,280
Summary: Members of the shadowy secret society known only as The Core have a plan. They're going to resurrect the mummy of Tammuz, and use his power to take over the world. There are only two problems . The first problem is five hunters who've figured out what The Core is doing and are determined to stop them. The second is an ancient legend, the one that says Tammuz's a demi-god, who happens to be just as evil as his father, Nimrod.
Sterling is nothing if not an opportunistic man. So when a sarcophagus with a Sumerian mummy gets stolen from a museum, he knows Nate's the man to solve the case. Their history be damned. When Nate finds out Sophie Devereaux --a Shadowless on the hunt for vampires--is involved, he decides to take the case, but not for Sterling. He recruits Hardison--a Medjay with mad hacking skills, a superiority complex and a love for orange soda--and gets Eliot Spencer--a shape Shifter and hunter--and Parker--a Hawke with a protective Hound named Cookie--with him. Together, can they figure out who stole the mummy and why?
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The Fall Asleep Job written by telaryn & hickumu with art by mizzy2k
Characters/Pairings: Team, Faith Lehane, Rupert Giles, Lindsey McDonald, Topher Brink, Laurence Dominic, canon pairings + Faith/Eliot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Gen
Warnings/Spoilers: Set in Season 5 in the days leading up to The French Connection Job
Word Count: 43,954
Summary:As Faith and Sophie continue to search for a way to release Nate from his deal with the King of Hell, other players on the cosmic stage believe they have the only solution to keep Nate's soul out of play and are willing to go to extraordinary means to make it happen.
Meantime, Parker's quest for a passion in her life is revealing hints of a darker past than most of the team has suspected before now.
While the story stands on its own merits, this is a Ties That Bind 'Verse tale, where Faith the Vampire Slayer is Nate's illegitimate daughter.
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Holidays In Eden written by yeahlev & errant_evermore with art by nessataleweaver Characters/Pairings: Eliot Spencer and Nate Ford, non-slash (sorry! or you're welcome! depending on your perspective)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action Adventure, Friendship
Warnings/Spoilers: Cursing. Some violence, commensurate with what you'd see on the show. Blatant misuse of historical and place details as needed. Set pre-series.
Word Count: 182,943
Summary: Before they were criminals with hearts of gold, they were Eliot Spencer, retrieval specialist trying to make a break from Damien Moreau, and Nate Ford, insurance investigator and family man. When Nate needs back-up on a dangerous job, he hires Eliot. They immediately dislike each other. Then they run afoul of a cartel enforcer, and Eliot has to decide just how far removed he is from being the man he was with Damien.
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!bigbang, masterlist, year!2013

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