(no subject)

Aug 09, 2009 19:17


I hope everyone's ok and having a nice summer. As there's just under 2 months left until the rough draft deadline (how did the time fly?) I thought I'd check in on you all and see how everyone's doing so far. I'm going to take a stab in the dark and guess that you're all on the way but not finished yet?

How about tempting us all with a snippet of your writing so far? Not a summary or even a full paragraph, just, something to make us go "ooh".

For those of you who want to share how well (or not, as the case may be) you're doing, have a poll!

Poll thebigbangjob 2009 - how ya doing?

If anyone's been wondering about where the BigBang-themed icons are, I should have a post up with some in the next week. If anyone has any to share or wants to make some for the community, please email them to leverage.bb.mods [@] gmail.com or post them in the comments of that (future) post.

~ c_d

year!2009, !mod post, !poll

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