Title: Beneath The Still Surface
deannawessonCharacters/Pairings: Eliot/Parker/Hardison; Nate; Sophie; The Norns; The Moirae; Mention of various Norse deities
Rating: R; Mostly for language
Genre: Slash, AU, het, fusion/crossover
Warnings/spoilers: descriptions of violence; Season 2 forward; dialogue from The Big Bang Job; small spoilers for Season 4, Long Way Down Job.
Word Count: 16,763
Summary: The Wyrd Sisters rebuild the Loom of Fate from the movie, Wanted. The Norse Fates pick the Leverage team to be the Avatars for their 'White Collar' division. Finding Eliot Spencer working with the team was an unforeseen bonus as the Fates try to reclaim what they'd lost so long ago.
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