Title: The One Step Too Far Job
whiskyinmind and
_bounce_Characters/Pairings: Nate/Eliot with mentions of Nate/Sophie and Nate/Maggie
Rating: R
Genre: AU, slash
Warnings/spoilers: Some swearing, mild violence (as in the Leverage kind of violence), some spoilers for Season Four
Word Count: 20, 866
Summary: Season 4 AU from The Fifteen Minutes Job onwards. Relations between Nate and Eliot have been tense ever since Moreau but neither of them are ready to talk about it. A job that’s more complicated than it first seems brings their problems to the surface and forces them to face up to themselves and to events that occurred years earlier as the hitter and the mastermind fight to survive being kidnapped and the fallout of confessions.
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Art by whiskyinmind Art by _bounce_