Writer sign ups for 2009

Jun 01, 2009 00:47

Sign Ups Now Closed - new sign-ups will not be accepted, sorry.

BigBang rules for writers:

1. You must have signed up by 1st July [full list of dates HERE].
2. There is no maximum word count for this, but your story must be 20,000 words minimum by rough draft deadline.
3. Any genre (slash|het|gen) and any rating (U->NC-17) is allowed.
4. RPS is not allowed.
5. AUs and crossovers are allowed, but the main focus of the story must be the Leverage team/a Leverage character.
6. The story must not be posted/published publically anywhere else before your assigned posting date.
7. Final drafts must be beta'd. Rough drafts should at least be read through for basic spelling/grammar mistakes.

Please use the following form when signing up:
LJ name:
Author name:
Email address we can contact you at:
The rest is optional but could prove useful :)
Are you planning on writing "canon", AU* or crossover (with what?)?:
Are you thinking of writing gen, het or slash?:
If a pairing/moresome might be involved, which characters would it include (possibly)?:

* AUs include, but aren't restricted to: genderbending; high-school/college fics (that don't fit canon); magic/psychic!character. Also, yes, a fic can be both AU & crossover.

For example:
LJ name: charlies_dragon
Author name: Susan
Email address we can contact you at: charlies_dragon [@] livejournal.com
Are you planning on writing "canon", AU* or crossover?: Crossover (with NCIS)
Are you thinking of writing gen, het or slash?: Gen

Stay tuned for more information being posted in the next few days, and thanks so much for joining in :D

sign ups!writers, year!2009, !mod post

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